Favorite Client | Yantao

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Favorite Client
Fluff as an apology for writing angst last chapter
Sorry ThatChongyunMain for writing angst that made you cry
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao )

Yanfei patiently waited for her new client to arrive at the arranged meeting place.
Her new client was the 77th director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao.

She was a bit annoyed that when she finally was supposed to get a day off a new client sets an appointment with her.
She didn't mind as much though, her friend Ganyu ditched her to spend the day with her ' friend ' Keqing.

Plus, the meeting wasn't supposed to be that long anyways so maybe she could use the rest of her free time to read or something.
Finally after a half hour of waiting Yanfei spotted the director.

She waited till the director was seated before she started talking her through the process of having a lawyer.
" Its not cheap,but I can guarantee I will help you through any legal trouble you may encounter!"

" Aiya, how much would it be to hire you?"
Yanfei quickly grabbed a few piles of paper and placed them in front of Hu Tao.

" Well if you hire me for your personal lawyer it's 20,000 mora a week.
If you hire me for your entire company, including any and all employees, that's 40,000 mora week."

" A pretty lady as my personal lawyer? Only for 20,000 mora? Doesn't sound to bad."

A tad bit flustered, Yanfei handed Hu Tao a pin.
" Um sign here, here and here!"

Once Hu Tao finished signing she had a few more questions left.
" Sooo got any plans today?"

" Um no, actually today's my day off."
" Today's my day off to! Do you mind spending the day with me?"

Yanfei thought about it, yeah she really wanted to finish that book but Hu Tao's offer was generous.
" Sure, what you wanna do?"

Hu Tao didn't respond and instead grabbed the Lawyer's hand, obviously wanting her to get up and follow her.

" Follow me Yanyan!"
"Yeah, your my friend now so you get a nickname!"
" Oh..Okay!'

Yanfei was delighted she made a new friend, especially one as cheerful as Hu Tao.
She let Hu Tao lead her around Liyue Harbor and drag her into random stores or show her random things.

Once it was getting darker the two realized they were hungry.
" Yanyan are you a good cook?"
" I can make a few different things I guess."
" Can you make me something?"
" Sure!"

The two rushed back to Yanfei's home.
" What do you want?"
" Well what do you have"
" Eggs, bread, tofu, meats and umm-"
" Silly Yanyan let me help"
" Help?"
" Yeah we can cook something together."
" Oh okay."

After a hour of the two struggling on how to measure, how to properly work an oven they made something that was at least edible.

" We should have just eaten somewhere.."
" Don't be pessimistic, it looks good!"
" We burnt the noodles."
" But it's semi edible ."
"....Tao we burnt the noodles."
" Aiya.. Fine what do you suggest we do?"
" So since we didn't use to many things it wouldn't hurt to throw this mess away. Next we can either try again or just eat sandwiches."
" I want a sandwich."

And with that the two made actual edible food and were sitting at the table feasting on their sandwiches.
Once they were done Hu Tao offered to do the dishes and Yanfei put all the ingredients they used away.

" It's really late, it's probably best you stay the night here."
" Aww worried for me?"
"No! It's just safer if you stay here."

They decided to have a unplanned sleepover in the living room.
The two were sitting on the couch, Yanfei reading something and Hu Tao staring at pretty pictures she found in a book.

" Are you actually reading that? You haven't flipped any of the pages."
"No I'm looking at the pictures."
" Hu Tao your so childish."
" That's what the women love!"

Yanfei sighed and put her book down, getting ready to go to sleep.
" What are you doing?"
" Getting ready to go sleep."
" Aww man I was hoping we could pull an all nighter."

Yanfei laughed a bit and finished getting ready.
" Move over please."
" Awww why?"
" Personal space."
" You don't want to cuddle~?"
" I mean-"

Yanfei ended up cuddling up to Hu tao as the director continued looking at pretty pictures.
" What are you even reading?"
" A book."
" I'm kidding it's some children's book that has pretty pictures."
" Makes sense."
Yanfei was trying to get to sleep but the director kept shuffling around ever minute or so.
Yanfei, wanting to sleep, laid her head on Hu Tao's thighs, applying enough pressure that Hu Tao couldn't move them without moving Yanfei.

" What you doing?"
" Trying to sleep."
" A little close don't you think?"
" Shut up and let me sleep."

Hu Tao snickered, but stayed quiet like Yanfei told her to.
When Hu Tao was half way done looking at pretty pictures she noticed Yanfei had fallen asleep.

She bent down a little and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before getting comfortable herself and falling asleep.

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