Petite Biche| Yantao

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Petite Biche, Little Doe
Alternative universe : Modern
Requested by : AndiYT
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao)
(Yanfei is still an adeptus in this.)

Ever since Yanfei was young she had the mindset that her only goal would be to become the top legal expert in Liyue, if possible maybe to reach the best of the best.
This affected her social life tremendously, while all the other kids were playing she would spend hours exceedingly studying every inch of the law.

Discovering new loopholes and injustices every day.
Her only friend was a girl named Hu Tao who had been her center of attention since day one.
She has unique brown hair along with the most intriguing crimson eyes that Yanfei could just lose herself in.
If she could she would stare into those beautiful eyes all day long, but she had more important things obviously.

Hu Tao was one of the few people who would make sure Yanfei took care of herself and saw Yanfei as more then some stuck up snob like all the other kids did.
Once when the two were younger they were laying under a tree and Yanfei was talking again about something she had learned.
When Hu Tao suddenly sprung up and grabbed Yanfei's hands and held them between her's.

As the two interlocked eyes Hu Tao smiled warmly.
" Yan Yan, we should get married when we are all grown up!"
Hu Tao enthusiastically said, Yanfei smiled as well and Yanfei nodded her head.
The adeptus smiled at Hu Tao's words and eagerly nodded, agreeing with

Present Day

As Yanfei was about to end her shift she heard her phone buzzing, expecting it to be another client she reluctantly picked it up and turned it on.
Luckily it wasn't a client, it was Hu Tao texting to see if Yanfei was still on to watch a movie with her later.
Yanfei warmly smiled, feeling herself turn red, she quickly typed out a response assuring Hu Tao she'd be there and then placed the phone back on her desk.

Yanfei quickly skimmed threw some documents them put them in their respected places and locked her office before sprinting home to get ready.
She changed our of her typical lawyer attire, a suit and into something more comfortable.
A cropped pink sweater and some jeans and she was ready to go.

She ran to her and Hu Tao's agreed meeting place, a restaurant ran by Xiangling, a friend of Hu Tao's.
Once she arrived she looked around for Hu Tao then grabbed her phone from her pocket only to realize she was a few minutes early.
She sighed and sat on a bench nearby and read a book she downloaded on her phone that she hadn't gotten to finish.

Just as she was getting to the suspenseful part in the story she felt a tap on her shoulder.
She jumped up and standing there was Hu Tao, who looked mischievous as always.
Yanfei calmed down a little and looked up at Hu Tao and giggled before straightening her posture.

" Couldn't have gotten my attention in another way?"
Yanfei jokingly said,
" What other way do you think I should have gotten your attention?"
Yanfei jokingly rolled her eyes and motioned for Hu Tao to take her hand as they both walked in to be seated.

Xiangling immediately noticed them and lead them to a table next to a window with impressive lighting.
The restaurant wasn't to busy that day which shocked Yanfei due to it usually being so busy they would have to plan to go late a night, due to how popular Xiangling 's cooking is.

Yanfei ordered a tofu based dish and Hu Tao ordered some steamed fish.
As the two waited for their food they talked, drawing attention of some of the few people seated in the restaurant due to how loud they were being.
Once the two had finished eating they parted ways, which troubled Yanfei, she never liked leaving Hu Tao.
Once she got home she tried to sleep but all she could think about was the funeral director.

Ever since they were little the fascination Yanfei had for Hu Tao had grown, she couldn't quite describe how she felt for Hu Tao, but she knew she never felt this way about a person before.

The way she looked at her, her unique personality, her voice the way she says her name.
Deep down Yanfei knew it was love but she would never admit it.

It took a while but the lovestruck adeptus finally fell asleep.
That morning she awoke knocking on her door, the adeptus quickly got up and peaked out a window to see who it was.

Standing there was a very excited - looking Hu Tao.
Yanfei warmly smiled and opened the door, gesturing for the director to come inside.
Once inside, Hu Tao plopped her down on the couch.
Yanfei closed the door then walked over to where she was sitting.
Yanfei sat down beside the director and looked over at Hu Tao.
" Why the sudden visit?"
" Aiya," the director said, sounding a bit worried now" Yan Yan you have been overworking yourself so today, your spending today with me."

Yanfei was shocked
" Tao Tao I would love to but-"
Hu Tao didn't let the other finish talking she leaned over and placed her hand on the adeptus's mouth.
" I already got the day off for you."
Yanfei pushed the director's hand off her mouth and was about to question the director, but before she can she felt Hu Tao grab her hand and pull her up.

" No protesting my offer Yan Yan!"
Yanfei quickly excused herself to get changed real quick.
As the lawyer changed she wondered why Hu Tao had went through the trouble to do all of this, just for her.
Once she was changed she met the director in the living room, who immediately took her hand and dragged her outside.

" Sometimes Yan Yan you got to get out of that fancy office, no windows, no one to talk to in there."
The director said as she led Yanfei to who knows where.
" Being a lawyer, legal advisor, whatever you are sounds boring.
All that work, the degree, the schooling, hours of study.
For what?"
Yanfei was irritated by this but she knew Hu Tao was right, she missed out on multiple chances to get a degree in law.

The two then walked in silence until they arrived to where Hu Tao was taking the two of them.
It was a cliff with a beautiful view, Hu Tao sat down under a tree and patted the ground next to her, signaling to Yanfei she wanted her to sit next to her.
" The view is relaxing, I like to come here when I feel sad or have something I want to think about."
Yanfei smiled to herself and placed her hand on the director's.
" Yan Yan can I tell you something?"
The lawyer eagerly nodded, confirming Hu Tao could say whatever she was wanting to tell the adeptus.

" I love you, I love you a lot Yan Yan."
Once those words left the director's mouth she felt Yanfei rest her head on Hu Tao's shoulder.

Yanfei smiled as her head rested on the director's warm shoulders.

As the two sat there Hu Tao heard the adeptus mutter four words she would never forget.

" I love you too"

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