Nilotpala Lotuses| Cynonari

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Nilotpala Lotuses
Hanahaki, Angst kind of?
Cynonari ( Cyno x Tighnari )
Requested by ventingw14
Cyno has hanahaki and coughs up Nilotpala Lotuses.
Blood is talked about, if that makes you uncomfortable you can skip this chapter .

Cyno knew he was in trouble when he started coughing up Nilotpala Lotuses petals.
He had been hit by Hanahaki.
A cruel disease which
originated from unrequited love or the feeling of not being loved back and could become fatal

The victim coughs up petals from a flower, which is usually the favorite flower of the one they love.
This happens due to a flower growing in their lungs, as time goes by, as the flower gets bigger, the condition worsens.
If the flower had thorns the person would die due to their lungs being pierced, but if it didn't have thorns the victim would die from their airway being blocked off, causing a slow yet painful death.

There was two options a victim had if they desperately wanted to live.
Number one being, they could confess to the one they have fallen for and hope that their feelings are mutual.
If not the condition will rapidly grow at a faster pace and the victim's demise will become clearer.

Or, they could get an operation that
had one of two possible side effects that Cyno didn't like.
The victim would lose all memories they had of they person they loved or they would lose all romantic and platonic feelings for the loved one.
Cyno valued his and Tighnari's friendship above anything else,
he would rather lose his life then lose his feelings and memories of his beloved friend.

Cyno would make any excuse to spend time with Tighnari, though it only caused the rapid growth of his Hanahaki.
Yet he continued wanting to spend more and more time with his friends.
He would invite him to TCG games, missions or events.
And though Tighnari was a stern, dedicated forest ranger he would almost always accept Cyno's invites.

There were multiple close calls, once Cyno had to quickly excuse himself once he felt the petals push themselves up his throat.
Once he was away from Tighnari he kneeled down and cupped his hands over his mouth.

Once he removed his hands he was met with the usual sunflower yellow petals now painted in dark shades of red with barely any yellow showing.
He crushed the petals in his hands and threw them onto the ground.

On this night specifically,
the two were playing Genius Invocation TCG, when out of nowhere the familiarity of the petals in Cyno's throat broke his concentration.
He dropped his cards and before he could excuse himself the petals forced themselves out of his throat and fell onto the table.

A shocked Tighnari ran to the aid of his friend who was staring down at the now once yellow petals now completely painted in a dark, crimson red.
Despite Cyno's protests, Tighnari has him sitting in a chair as he skimmed through medical books and occasionally picking up herbs he had grabbed from off his shelves.
Cyno sat there, paralyzed with fear, realizing he might have to be honest now, this is not how he wanted the forest ranger to learn of his condition, far from it infact.

What felt like hours later, Tighnari closed the medical books he had and walked over to Cyno who looked like he had seen better days.
" Hanahaki I'm assuming?"
Tighnari said, breaking the silence.
Cyno nodded and Tighnari began questioning him.

" Why haven't you confessed or gotten the surgery?"
The forest ranger's questions quickly became mire personal, he pulled out a herb which would calm down the growth but wouldn't completely stop the Hanahaki.
Cyno shrugged, not giving a complete answer, he hated to admit it but he was embarrassed he was caught in this situation.

" Who is it that you need to confess to cure the Hanahaki?"
Again Cyno just shrugged, he didn't want to admit it.
Tighnari was becoming annoyed but held up as he skimmed through more books.

As cyno gave more half - answers the forest ranger finally snapped.
" Stop being so blunt! Why haven't you considered the surgery?"
This shocked Cyno, Tighnari was never this straight forward and he could tell he couldn't hide behind half - answers for much longer.

" I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling you this but I assume if I don't tell you then I'm doomed."
The forest ranger tilt his head to the side, puzzled his friend's words, his ears twitched slightly as he awaited for a response.

Cyno coughed a few more petals into his palm before continuing on with his confession.
" Tighnari I hate to say this but the flower growing in my throat is from you"
Tighnari dropped the herbs he was holding, shocked, the glass breaking on impact as it hit the floor.
But he quickly caught his composure
and warmly smiled.
" You could have healed your Hanahaki a long time ago."

Confirming to Cyno his feelings were reciprocated and at that moment the soreness in his throat cleared up and the tension in his chest lessened.

He smiled to himself,
no more bloody petals or excuses and plus he finally understood that Tighnari loved him to and he could have avoided the pain the past few weeks had brought him.

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