'Your order is ready' | Rosacrose

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' Your order is ready!'
College/Coffee shop/modern au, fluff
Rosacrose ( Rosaria x Sucrose )

Eulamber and Kaebedo will be mentioned, this might be slightly out of character, but my definitely amazing excuse is that since they're in a modern au, ofc there's going to be a slight change in personality. Please don't come after me with pitchforks. If it is really out of character to the point where it's a bother please tell me.

The smell of fresh coffee laid in the air, being new to the job and never being an avid coffee drinker, the scent was strong in Sucrose's opinion. But as a college student with ungodly hours she'd have to get use to the strong scent. Once in the back of the building, she went to the employees only section where the aprons were kept and gently, she pulled one of the shelf, pulling it over her head and tying it in the back around her waist, written in bold letters on the apron was the name of the coffee shop. Next, she opened her purse, it was a cute bear bag, small but big enough for her necessities and took out her name tag. She hated the fact that complete strangers could just look at the name tag and immediately know her name but it was work place policy to wear it.

She left the bag in her locker in the employee locker room, Sucrose could be considered a perfectionist at times, she made sure to follow the rules to the best of her abilities. Which was good, being a college study majoring in chemistry the best option which matched with her hours was the coffee shop, cliche sure but it worked well for her, being socially anxious though she always had to have someone to work with her. Today her coworker was Amber, another girl who attended the college Sucrose went to, she had no idea what Amber majored in but she still admired the enthusiasm the brunette had, always able to pick up shifts, some joked she lived there. But somehow she always seemed friendly, but when it came to ruder customers, she made a middle aged man cry once after they belittled Sucrose and another coworker, Eula who just so happened to be dating Amber.

Finally clocking in, Sucrose slid behind the counter as Amber dealt with a customer, there were two cash registers, so Sucrose took her place at the cash register, thankful the aggravated customer didn't see her. There was only one person in line, a woman seemingly around Sucrose's age, short red hair, her eyes being a lighter shade of red adorned with eyebags underneath. She seemed annoyed just to be there, wearing a simple oversized t shirt with writing on it that Sucrose couldn't read, fishnets and an oversized black hoodie. Finally realizing someone standing behind the cash register, waiting for her to order, the stranger stepped up, took a glance down at her phone and then up at the menu, not a long glance, more like a mere second. ' You do dark roasts?' The girl asked, looking down at her phone after it buzzed from a text, letting out a sigh of annoyance after she read it. 

' I think so but they are strong, if that's what you're wanting to order. Do you want a creamer or sugar with it?' Sucrose, now embarrassed after realizing how rude that might have sounded tried to apologize but the stranger stopped her before she got a chance to. ' No need, get me a black coffee, a bit of creamer for me, and then I have a pickup for my friend, Kaeya.' The last two words had a trail of disgust behind them. ' A caramel Frappuccino, whipped cream, with a dash of sprinkles?' Sucrose asked, the stranger shrugged, ' I don't know, he didn't tell me what he ordered. Just refused to study unless I picked up his coffee for him.' 

Sucrose wrote down the order on her notepad, looking up at the woman to ask for a name for the additional order only to stop and notice how oddly beautiful the stranger was. Blushing she quickly asked, ' CanIgetaname?' Despite her words jumbled together, the stranger seemed to understand the question. ' Rosaria.' She responded, walking off afterwards as she waited. Out of the blue Amber popped up behind Sucrose, apparently done with the rowdy customer.                     ' Someone's got a crush.'  She teased, already working on Kaeya's order, Sucrose stood beside Amber as she worked on Rosaria's order. ' No I don't!' She argued, placing the cup down on the counter, about to write the name of the order on the cup before she was stopped by Amber. 

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