Multiship 1 | Mondsdat

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These next few chapters will consist of couples from each region, that are currently out, going on group dates I guess. It's a thank you for 2,000 reads!

Ships for this chapter : Eulamber, Jeanlisa, Rannet, Kaebedo, Rorose
( Klee is in here but she is not in a relationship she is a child. )

It was Lisa's idea, but Jean planned everything which shocked the rest of the members of the Knights of Favonius. It was rare for Jean to take a day off as the Acting Grand Master.

An organized picnic would be taking place close by to Wolvendom. All the members of the Knights of Favonius had been invited, but many of them had declined for some reason.

As Jean prepared the most of it, Lisa sent out a invite to a student of her's she was teaching, Razor. Who then brought along his supposed friend.

Along with that Sucrose had brought along Rosaria, one of the nuns from the Church of Favonius. A few unplanned guests, but that should be fine, right?

The day arrived, Jean had woken up a bit earlier then usual to gather a few things into a basket which woke up Lisa. Who light-heartedly scolded Jean for being up at such an early time.

Jean apologized and let Lisa take her hand and guide her back to their room.


Though there was no agreed meeting time for everyone, they all arrived around the same time at the meeting place. Bennett and Razor arriving last because Bennett got hit by a tree branch that fell from a high tree, knocking him unconscious for a good 30 minutes.

Jean and Lisa were the first two to arrive, bringing Klee along with them. As they prepared for the others to arrive Jean had to keep an eye out on Klee who tried to run off at every opportunity she got.

Slowly, everyone else who said they would be coming had arrived. A few of the people who were there had brought some of their own dishes.

Amber had brought a sticky honey roast which she most likely got from Good Hunter. While Bennett had brought a plate with fried eggs on them, which were somehow burnt but raw at the same time.

Klee tried to sneakily get one of the eggs but she was stopped by Jean who had to explain to her that they make Klee sick if she ate one. It was revealed a while later Kaeya and Rosaria both had attempted to sneak a few bottles of wine.

Both were caught and the bottles were confiscated by Jean sent the two back to their seats. Sucrose apologized for Rosaria's actions, Albedo didn't seem to care that Kaeya has attempted to sneak wine.

" I'm so sorry Jean I didn't know she would try to do that and-" Sucrose went on and on, Jean reassured her multiple times it was okay and after a while she calmed her down and watched as she went back to where Rosaria was seated.

Things had calmed down for a while, everyone was peacefully relaxing until the two cryo users, Kaeya and Eula, had gotten into a fight. " Mark my words I will have vengeance!" Eula shouted, her arms crossed ask she stared at Kaeya.

" I'm so scared." He mockingly replied, smirking as he watched Eula grow even more madder. Kaeya had mocked Eula, which started the argument the two were currently having.

While Kaeya continued making Eula even more enraged, Amber was trying to calm Eula down. Jean and Lisa were enjoying a cup of tea under a tree, when Jean heard the commotion from the two.

As she stood up to go confront the two, Lisa gently placed down on Jean's shoulder, making her sit back down, and stood up. " Don't worry Darling, I'll deal with this while you relax a bit." Jean hesitated for a minute but in the end Lisa was the one to put a end to the child-like fighting going on between Kaeya and Eula.

Once Eula was a bit more calmed down, Amber lightly scolded her for getting into a fight. Shockingly, Eula seemed ashamed and apologized to Amber, who accepted the apology and pulled Eula into a tight hug.

Albedo scoffed as Kaeya took a seat next to him. The entire time the two had been there Kaeya had made several failed attempts at flirting with the alchemist, though he rejected his advances Albedo didn't necessarily mind it but of course he wouldn't let Kaeya know that.

As all that had gone down, Razor and Bennet were cuddled up under a tree. When they were interrupted by a squirrel falling from a tree.

The squirrel, obviously frightened, scratched up Bennett's face and smacked him with it's fluffy tail. Jean noticed and luckily enough she had a first-aid kit with her which she used to tend to the poor adventurer's wounds.

" Thank you, I'm sorry that happened my luck isn't known to be good." Bennet apologetically said as Jean placed a small amount of ointment on his face. She gave him a warm smile as she started placing small bandages ini the wound, "it's fine." She reassuringly told him.

It was almost time for everyone to leave, Kaeya and Albedo had already left and everyone else was helping the Grand Acting Master clean everything up. Sucrose was folding up the picnic blankets as Rosaria, who was leaning against a tree, watched.

The kunai she normally held being playfully spun in her hand as she waited for Sucrose to finish. It took her a while but she had the blankets folded and in a neat pile after a good 10 minutes.

Placing the kunai knife in a pocket, Rosaria held her hand out and helped Sucrose get off the ground. Sucrose's face was a light pink as she thanked the nun who was still holding on to one of Sucrose's gloved hands.

It had gotten dark, really dark, so the nun offered to walk Sucrose back to her place. Sucrose's face turned an even deeper shade of pink but she accepted the invite, letting Rosaria walk her away from the site of the picnic.


Once everyone else had left, Jean picked up Klee who was tired, Lisa took the basket the two had brought and the two made their way back home. When they got back, Klee was tucked into her bed with her trusty dodoco cuddled up next to her.

Both Jean and Lisa, deciding the contents of the basket could be put away in the morning, tiredly walked back to their bedroom. They cuddled up to one another and quickly fell asleep, tired from the excitement from the day.

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