A harbinger's love | Eulamber

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A harbinger's love
Eula is a harbinger, angst, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
Requested by ThatChongyunMain

Eula stood in front of the gates of Mondsdat, the city of freedom.
This was where she grew up, feared and hated by all.

But she wasn't there to be reminded of when she was younger.
In fact, she was assigned as her first task as a harbinger to eliminate the ' traveler '.

So called traveler had interfered with the Fatui's plans numerous times.
She clutched onto the small bag she had and remembered what she was told.

Stay out of the public's eye, find the traveler and kill them.
When she was about to enter the city she was stopped by two men, presumably guards.

" What is your business here Lawrence?"
" To visit some old friends and family.
Is that a problem with you"

She noticed one of the guards looked panicked, a bit delighted that even though she hadn't been there in so long she could still scare the people.

" No, of course enjoy m'am. Just umm-"
The guard struggled to make eye contact, which worsened the harbinger's mood.

" Just?"
" I need to see a travel permit."
Eula complied and grabbed a permit from her pocket.

" Will this do?"
" Um.. yes. Enjoy your stay!"
Eula started to walk but stopped underneath the gate and stared at the two guards who had created her.

" Learn how to treat a lady better."
After most likely traumatizing the two guards, her mood was less sour and she made her way into Mondsdat.

Once safely inside, she took a minute to note how some things changed.
She had an urge to explore, but that was unnecessary, she had a mission that needed to be done.

Eula avoided socializing with the locals, not like many were eager to try and talk with her.
All around her she heard whispers and felt like she was being stared at.

She found a near by bench, facing a fountain and took a seat.
Not many were here so she didn't expect to be bothered here.

She rethought her plan, unaware of her surroundings, not aware of the stranger walking towards her.
She was awoken from her thoughts when someone tapped on her shoulder.

" Who do you think you are interru-"
She immediately stopped what she was saying when she noticed who had interrupted her.
A girl, most likely around her age, with brown hair that went down to her waist and golden eyes.

Eula immediately took note of the red bow on the girl's head that oddly reassembled bunny ears.
" Hm?"

Eula's heart melted at the strange girl's curious expression, she was undeniably the most pretty woman the harbinger had ever laid her eyes on.
Her voice, though it was just a simple 'hm', was soft and endearing.
Eula immediately forced herself to stop admiring the woman, she had a job and needed to act serious.

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