Sugar | Albecrose

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Requested by Itski_urmom
Modern Au
Albecrose ( Albedo x Sucrose )
(Sucrose is slightly more confident with her decisions in this and Albedo is in love.)

Sucrose really admired her coworker Albedo, he was the one who taught her most of what she knows.
The two had coincidentally met while working in the study of ancient alchemy.
The two instantly connected during their studies, though they didn't speak as much as you think they would just the presence of each other comforted them.
Albedo was one of the few people she found comfort in and could feel like she could talk to about anything.

The two were socially awkward, with Sucrose being the definition of social anxiety.
Yet she found comfort in the blonde haired alchemist who would sit with her and read books.
This day in particular they were sitting on a couch in Albedo's fancy, yet comforting, apartment.

It was late and Sucrose knew it would be hard to get home in such darkness.
So with all the courage she could muster she said
" Mr Albedo do you mind if I stay the night?"

Immediately regretting her words she covered her mouth with her hands but she felt a comforting hand on her her's.
Albedo reassured her it would he would be perfectly fine with having her stay the night.
And just as he said that he excused himself to get some blankets and pillows for their unplanned sleepover.

Albedo normally wouldn't let people stay over unless he had ulterior motives, like asking them to help him with something.
But Sucrose was special to him, her mint green hair and golden eyes comforted the alchemist.

As Sucrose sat their, waiting for Albedo to return, she let herself feel at home.
If she was with Albedo she felt comforted, she admitted to herself she had a crush on Albedo.
But she didn't want to tell him, she didn't want to ruin their friendship they had created.
Little did she know Albedo felt the exact same way and adored her.

When Albedo returned he handed her a green blanket and a pillow that matched.
A book the two had liked had gotten a movie adaptation and usually they wouldn't watch movie adaptations but they both had heard it was good so Albedo decoded to turn the movie on.
As the two sat there watching the movie they couldn't help but catch glimpses of each other.
They enjoyed each other's silence and ended up falling asleep.

In the morning they started discussing what to do today and agreed they would stay inside because the weather report on Albedo's phone wasn't looking to good.
Sucrose had felt like she was overstaying her welcome but the minute Albedo noticed the uneasy expression on Sucrose 's face he would assure her he loved having her over.

" You can stay as long as you want."

" I don't mind having you over."

Sucrose started to ease herself and the two started reading some books they hadn't finished the previous day.
Once they both finished Albedo had a question for Sucrose.
" Can I paint you?"
Sucrose was oddly flustered by this question but agreed.
Albedo had her sit on a stool as he grabbed a easel, paint, a canvas and paint brushes.
Once he returned he began painting, silently complimenting Sucrose's features as he painted.

It took him a while but the results were worth it.
The painting was stunning, the colors looked exact and the colors complimented each other nicely.
Sucrose turned a bit red as she silently wondered to herself if she was really that pretty.
She built the confidence to hug Albedo and thank him profusely for the painting.

She felt Albedo's warm hands pet her head as she hugged him.
She had never felt this comfortable with another person, she felt so comfortable she whispered to herself
' I love you '.
To which she felt Albedo bend down and liss her on the cheek, he may not have said it back but Sucrose felt loved.

She felt she could trust him with anything and was relieved she had found a person like him.
She truly felt happy.

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