A mermaid's call | Kokosara

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A mermaid's call
Pirate Sara, Mermaid kokopebbles
Kokosara ( Kokomi x Sara )

'Useless idiots' Sara hissed to herself, of course her crew mates all decided to get black out drunk so now she was left to clean the decks. When would they finally learn some responsibility? Maybe learn some respect.

Nonetheless, she liked the silence, so she couldn't completely complain, the scene surrounding her was dark and beautiful. Taking in the scene, she spotted a rock, crystals of all sorts of colors adorned it, not to rare of a sight, but as she examined the rock from afar she felt her blood drop.

A woman, a beautiful woman, she couldn't make her features out from the distance but wow, she was beautiful. She could make out the pale blonde hair, the glimmering eyes, which shined in the night sky, pearls and shells adorning her hair. She was beautiful.

As the woman spotted Sara realisation hit, that was no regular woman. No, no regular human woman had a fish tail replacing their legs. Sara ducked out of view and shouted for her crew mates.

A gentle, hauntingly beautiful, voice danced in the air , 'Oh my love, ' she teased, 'they're black out drunk. ' she giggled, 'they can't hear you. '

No no no, she should have taken better precautions, in every story she heard a siren attack happened when the victim was alone. But in those stories the victims were always men she didn't understand, how?

The beautiful voice filled the air again, ' Oh love, ' she hummed ' I'm no siren if that's what you're thinking. ' Not a siren? How?

She peaked from her hiding spot, meeting the glowing eyes of whatever the creature was, 'Sirens are half bird half woman. ' Her words were followed by a soft sigh, 'They trick people with what they want to see or their alluring voices, some people only hear their voices before they die. Might wanna check up on your mythology. '

Wow, she was not expecting a history lesson from, well wait, what was the stranger? 'What are you then? ' Sara asked, tilting her head to get a better look at the stranger. ' A mermaid silly, or in better words, a merperson. ' She corrected herself last minute, smart and beautiful, what a woman, Sara thought to herself.

'So strange mermaid, ' the stranger laughed at that, ' what's your name and what do you want from me? ' The stranger pondered, then lifted herself up on the rock so Sara could get a better look, now that the ship had gotten closer she could make out more features.

Her pale blue and pink highlights, the natural blush painted on her face, her face looked more dreamy, 'Well sweetheart, ' the nicknames were stabbing at Sara's heart ' I'm Kokomi, I already know you. Sara? Heard your crew mates day that before they stormed to their bunks. And simply, I want you. '

'Mermaids can be evil, using their singing to their advantage, but trust me have one goal only and that's to admire you. ' Kokomi continued, she was beautiful. ' I've been following your ship for a while when I caught sight of you as you boarded ship. ' She explained, Sara could listen to the mermaid talk forever.

' Have a spare blanket? ' She asked, Sara enthusiastically nodded and rushed down to a bunk, stealing a blanket from a man too drunk to tell that someone was in his room. She rushed back up and threw the blanket to Kokomi, wrapping it around her, in one split second her tail was replaced with legs.

Even as a human she was still beautiful. The ship was perfect front and center with the rock, so Sara held her arms out and helped Kokomi get up, her hand running up and down the mermaid's beautiful body, then they kissed.

It felt like Sara had known Kokomi forever, she was beautiful, the kiss was short but felt satisfying. ' Stay here with me. ' Sara begged, Kokomi sadly looked up at her, a notable height difference.

' Won't your crew mates notice? ' Sara quickly shook her head no, 'they're too drunk almost constantly to tell their left from their right. We can convince them you've been here forever, please Kokomi. '

She gave in and kindly smiled to Sara, feeling herself being pulled into a hug quickly after confirmation. ' Now let's get some clothes on you. ' Sara lightly joked, pointing to the mere blanket Kokomi had on, she handed a spare sweater and very comfy pants to Kokomi, they were from when Sara was younger.

( Then they lived happily ever after as boat wives and they kicked the rest of the crew mates off. )

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