' Ei dear ' | Eimiko

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'Ei dear'
Angst, comfort, modern au, over thinking Ei
Eimiko ( Ei x Miko )
It won't lemme tag so whoever requested please comment here! 

Also my layout will most likely be different from now on, I have a laptop to write on and I don't feel like going on to my phone every time I write just to fix the layout.

I also will write Sara's pov of this later, I love drama. Also, I will be describing details a lot, kind of trying to describe Ei's analysis of everything. 

The only light occupying the dark room was the light from Ei's phone. signaling she had a new message, it was night time and she was just about to go to sleep. Normally she would ignore notifications this late, it was only 9:30 but Ei was trying to fix her hectic sleeping schedule, at that moment she remembered Miko was on her way home so just in case, Ei pulled herself out of her bed reluctantly and grabbed her phone off of the nightstand, her fingers tracing across the glassy screen as she unlocked it. Her eyed, barely opened glanced over the name of the sender, ' Kujou Sara', she almost put the phone down, about to go back to sleep when a specific message caught her eye. ' I told you she wasn't worth being trusted.'

Now that definitely caught her attention, opening the notification she scrolled up to the first message, a picture, a picture the Ei would spend the next 20 minutes analyzing every single detail of it. In the picture, was one of Miko's coworkers, Kokomi, and Miko herself. They were standing in a rather fancy jewelry shop, sitting firmly in Miko's hands was a purple jewel adorned on a golden ring, the ring hat details along the top of it that curled around the purple jewel, at least that's what Ei determined from the picture.

She couldn't determine the size, or see where the details ended, she assumed they looped at the the top, but the way Miko was holding it left the assumption of the rest of the details up to the purple haired woman's imagination. Kokomi's expression in the picture, while slightly pixelated from the person who took the picture's phone quality, seemed excited at the sight of the ring, while it didn't seem like a proposal the photo felt to intimate for Ei's liking. Then she scrolled down to read the rest of the messages, ' My friend who works there managed to get the photo ' The messages continued on, ' I told them about Kokomi cancelling on me today to help a friend, then they caught those two in the jewelry shop.'

' That's the exact one Kokomi used to work at in high school!' At this point Ei could feel her breathing stop at an alarming rate as a ball of panic built up in her throat, but she had to continue reading. ' Can you believe it Ei? Miko claims she has to work overtime and Kokomi cancels on me and then their caught looking at fancy rings.' Ei almost forgot about how she had complained to Sara earlier about Miko working overtime. From all the cheating stories she had heard, working overtime was always an excuse from a cheater. 

How had she not noticed earlier? That's where the messaged ended, Ei pulled back up the photo and examined it once again, taking in the details once more, the woman were dressed in casual clothes, Kokomi in a pastel blue cardigan with flowers adorning it over a blank white shirt with a matching skirt. Miko wore what she had left the house in, a white sweater with black leggings. Maybe she should have paid more attention to the fact that what Miko was wearing was something she would never wear in a work environment, unless it was a more relaxed day where she would have her workers meet up for coffee or tea while discussing plans. But when Miko left she did seem in a rush.

Here Ei laid, calculating every single detail as she tried to convince herself that she was just overreacting, but the sound of the front door being unlocked snapped her out of her anxious thoughts. Looking over her shoulder she saw Miko, who wore the same white sweater and leggings from in the photo. That, Ei realized, was another strange detail. Miko rarely ever dressed down, having a closet filled head to toe with beautiful outfits. ' Does Kokomi prefer women who are more dressed down? But Miko wouldn't chance herself for anyone though, right?'  Ei wondered as she pulled up the photo on her phone and held it up to where Miko could see the picture, the hurt on Ei's face was practically agonizing to the other woman's eyes.

' Overtime.' Ei repeated pointing to the picture, ' You said you would be working overtime, but instead you were out with her.' The last few words felt as like she was choking, the ball that developed in her throat made it hard to clearly speak. ' Since you were so smart, I thought you would know better than to use an excuse like that.'  The purple woman continued her rambling, to raged to realize that Miko was trying to stop until she felt like her throat would burst if she spoke again, she didn't yell but from the speed she talked at she could barely catch her breath. And Miko took this moment to explain herself as she took out her own phone, pulling up her conversation with Kokomi.

' Ei, dear' she calmly said, lifting her lover's head gently with both of her hands as she placed down the phone, she'd show her the proof when she could get her to calm down. ' I understand how you feel and maybe I should have told you the truth, but I didn't want to ruin your surprise since I knew a certain someone would be nosey if she found out I got her something.' She wiped the tears that silently streamed down Ei's cheeks as she continued speaking, ' I asked Kokomi to help me pick out an engagement ring for you, she used to work there so she understands the different types of gems better compared to me.' 

' But you both looked so happy.' Ei managed to say through her shattered throat, ' Kokomi was also looking for a ring for Sara, we were both talking about how happy the two of you would be.'

'Oh' Ei thought to herself, now feeling dumb, as she tried to mutter an apology, now realizing how dramatic she might seem in the eyes of MIko. But the other wasn't having it, she gently pressed her lips against Ei's shushing her as she gently rubbed the side of her face, comforting the embarrassed Ei, ' Honey I should have told you I were going out. But you should also take a minute to calm down before you think, I promise you I would never cheat.' Miko pulled away from Ei and handed her the phone so she could read the chat history with Kokomi. When Ei placed the device down she only felt more ashamed, which Miko quickly caught on too. She pulled Ei into a warm embrace, whispering into Ei's ear. ' You're so gorgeous Ei, I would be a fool to break your heart.' 

Miko's warm breath sent a tingly feeling down Ei's spine as she relaxed into the other woman, Miko's hands laid on the other's back until Ei had seemingly calmed down. ' Ei look at me' Miko said, looking down at Ei, ' I understand your panic, but rest assured I would never do that to you.' These words relaxed Ei as she muttered another 'I'm sorry', only to be met by a soft giggle from Miko, ' Ei it's okay.' She reassured, before pulling out a box with two matching necklaces. ' I didn't pick a ring, but I got these.' Miko wrapped one of the necklaces around Ei, clasping it in the back before turning around and letting Ei help put the other necklace around Miko's neck. ' I will make this up to you some how.' Ei replied as the two held the necklaces up together, they were simply a heart split in half and when they held them up to each other they would connect together, a sliver color. Miko knew not to argue with Ei about paying her back, they had been together long enough for Miko to know this.

She smiled and laid her head on Ei's shoulder, making a purring like sound as Ei combed through her hair with her fingers. Little did Ei know though, that laying at the bottom of Miko's purse was the ring in the picture, waiting patiently for the right moment. 

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