Jealousy | ThomaTo

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Thanks H1s_last_v1ct1m for helping me plan this chapter
ThomaTo ( Thoma x Ayato )

" My lord," Thoma stated as he handed Ayato his breakfast for the day,
" something seems off are you alright?"
His words were followed with a grin on his face, a grin that Ayato hated but loved at the same time.

He hated how the simplest thing Thoma did would make him swoon, that kind smile on his face being one of them. He hated how friendly Thoma was with everyone, but at the same time he loved everything about Thoma.

Being the head of the Kamisato Clan made dating hard. Due to Thoma being his housekeeper there was no way the two could ever be together, but that didn't stop Ayato from wanting something more then a simple friendship with Thoma.

Recently, he noticed Thoma was being too friendly with a few people who visited the Kamisato Clan. Which made his blood boil whenever he thought about it.

" My lord?" Ayato was jolted from his thoughts when he remembered Thoma was standing right there. Though a bit embarrassed, he forced a fake smile, "I'm fine, no need to worry."

Just as he said that his younger sister, Ayaka, entered the room and took a seat next to Ayato, greeting both of the men with a smile on her face. Ayato didn't have to worry about Ayaka trying to make a move on Thoma, she confessed a few years ago she didn't want to date a man.

A few weeks back, Ayaka had informed him that she had a crush on the owner of Naganohara Fireworks, Yoimiya. He felt happy for his younger sister as well as relaxed knowing he could trust Yoimiya with his sister.


Once both of the Kamisato siblings had finished their breakfast they thanked Thoma and went off to do their own things. Ayato had a day off, which was unheard of, so he went for a walk to think about his recent feelings, Ayaka recommend it to him once and said it helped her.

Starting his walk his mind trailer off to thoughts about Thoma. Ayato wondered if his crush on Thoma is worth putting a dent in the Clan's reputation.

Logically someone with his statues dating or even possibly marrying a housekeeper, someone with a lower status, was unheard of. But for Thoma, Ayato would do anything, even if it caused damage to his reputation.

The thought of not being able to be with Thoma for such a silly reason caused him to feel an impending doom. Sitting on a bench nearby he let himself cry a bit, wiping his tears with his long sleeves.

Once he had finished crying he no longer felt sad, instead he felt jealous, making his way back home he only had one thing on his mind, Thoma.

Once he returned home he was greeted by a woman standing near the entrance to the Kamisato home, she introduced herself as Sora. She was here to meet with Ayaka for dress fittings for an upcoming event.

Knowing how excited his younger sister was, her reluctantly let the woman in and guided her to a table, sitting on one of the tatami mats the woman thanked Ayato. Thoma, hearing the door open, walked into the room.

" My lord where were you?" He questioned, " And who is she? " He pointed to Sora who's eyes lit up when she spotted Thoma.

She stared him up and down and smirked, Thoma hadn't noticed the woman's actions, entirely focused on Ayato. " This is Sora she's here to see Ayaka about dress fittings."

Ayato tried his best to not give away that he was annoyed, smiling at Sora, trying his best not to ask her to leave right then, right now. " Nice to meet you Miss Sora." Thoma said, looking down at the woman, " Nice to meet you as well."

She seemed like she wanted to say something else but Ayato wasn't going to let some stranger have a chance with Thoma. " I believe Ayaka should be home soon." Just as he said that, the front doors opened, Ayaka walked in and immediately spotted Sora.

" This way!" She led Sora to a different room to discuss the dress fittings, leaving Thoma and Ayato all alone, an awkward silence lingering in the air. "My lord, " Thoma broke the awkward silence, his voice a bit uneasy " I noticed you seemed a bit uneasy when that woman was tlaking to me. Are you alright?"

" Thoma, have you ever been in love?" Ayato asked, deflecting the question Thoma asked. He seemed a bit taken aback by this question, his face appearing a bit red, " My lord thats a personal question."

" Answer it," Ayato's sounded cold, his voice and facial expression devoid of any emotion " have you ever been in love?"

" I mean yes I have, but why does that bother you?" " With who?" He was impatient, he needed answers, now. But Thoma remained silent, so again Ayato said " With who?"

" That's very personal my lord I don't even know how-" he was stopped, before he could even process what was happen he was pressed up against a wall by Ayato.

" Answer." He seemed even more impatient now, " Why?"
Thoma seemed angry, trying to get free from Ayato's grasp. " Don't act like I haven't noticed how friendly you are with people, it's obvious someone's got your attention."

" Why does that matter?" Thoma was still struggling to get free, he never registered how strong Ayato really was until now. " Because I love you, for a while now actually ."

" Let go of me or at least backen up a bit and I'll answer your question." Backing up, Ayato let Thoma catch his breath as he waited for Ayato to answer.

" My lord the thing is.." his voice trailed off as he looked for the correct words to finish his sentence, " I love you too."
Just before Ayato could say anything the door from another room opened and Ayaka and Sora walked out.

" Thank you! How much mora will that be?" "100,000" Ayaka quickly went to get where she kept her own mora, returning with a small bag filled with the amount Sora requested and handed it to her. " I'll see you here again in a week." Sora said as she placed the bag of mora into a small pocket.

" Actually, I would rather you two meet somewhere else." Ayato said, interrupting the conversation. Sora looked a bit mad by this but simply nodded, she couldn't argue back with the head of the Kamisato Clan, which Ayato knew.

Once Sora had left, Ayaka excused herself, saying she would be visiting a 'friend' for a few hours. Leaving the two alone again Ayato was the first to speak, " Back to what we were discussing, Thoma I apologize if I startled you."

" No need to apologize, if anything I'm a bit confused as to why you and to push me up against a wall but I'm not complaining. " Ayato smiled, thanking Thoma for his understanding on the situation.

" So Thoma what do you think? Do you want to give dating a try?" Thoma nodded his head, " Yes I would love to."

( I plan on writing Ayaka's perspective with Yoimiya for the next chapter )

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