My dove | Arlebina

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My dove
Royalty au, fluff
Arlebina ( Arlecchino x Columbina )
I originally posted this on my Tumblr so this is kind of like a rewritten version of that oneshot, but follows the same plot as the original one.

Yet another long mission, while taking on the head of most missions, the knight most commonly known as 'The Knave' felt exhausted. But her night wasn't over yet, she still had someone who was patiently waiting for her in the garden only a few halls away from where she stood now.

Her fingers quickly brushed over the report, her writing was neat but had a tinge of rushing in it, barely noticeable. Sliding off the required knight equipment and left in her more comfortable body suit, which covered.

Now she made her way down the halls, listening to the familiar humming that grew slightly louder as she approached the noise. A familiar tune, but that didn't bother Arlecchino, it was quite comforting and it was like a special song between the two lovers, only being for their ears.

The hall leading to the garden separated from where the rooms were kept, while they would be safe sitting in the middle of the garden, Columbina preferred a more hidden area, a wall of different colorful flowers was built similar to a wall, hiding a bench where Arlecchino's love patiently waited for her.  Carefully moving the flowers out of the way, her eyes met Columbina's as she slid next to the higher status woman on the bench, who's tune had softened.

Now it was quieter, only the two of them could hear it now, the Knave faced away from her lover who neatly untied her 'rat-tail' ponytail. Her eye's flickered around the garden as the humming abruptly stopped.

' Another mission?' the shorter one whispered, her fingers brushing through Arlecchino's, to which she nodded. ' Speak to me Knave, I want to hear what happened, I can access the reports whenever I want to but I want to hear you talk.'

That put an end to any future protests from Arlecchino as she relaxed into her lover while explaining the details of the past few days, mentioning a few times how her back was absolutely killing her. Instinctively, Columbina's hands danced their way up to the upper back muscles where Arlecchino was complaining of her pain.

' Here?' She mumbled, pushing the other's hair out of the way. ' Yes.' Columbina's hands gently massaged the area, smiling contently to herself as Arlecchino sighed in content.

'Make sure you bathe with hot water, that might help.' She said, pulling her hands away and moving Arlecchino 's hair back in place. ' Princess, it's getting late.' Arlecchino pointed to the sky, Columbina nodded in content, pulling herself up from the chair first.

This was their agreed upon plan, Columbina leave first and then Arlecchino will follow suit a few minutes afterwards. ' Same time tomorrow?' Columbina whispered into her lover's ear, only to be greeted by a gentle nod as she quickly but quietly left behind the other.

It had only been a few minutes since the two departed but Arlecchino could already feel herself missing the other. But that's how it normally would be, but the time the two got she would hold dear in her heart.

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