Date Night | Eulamber

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Date night
Modern AU, fluff
Requested by ThatChongyunMain

Amber kept rechecking her messages, awaiting a response from Eula.
They had a date planned but Eula was 10 minutes late, the date was planned at Amber's house. What was taking her so long?

As she waited, she grabbed a few blankets, one for each and made sure she had everything they would need ready. Once the preparations were done she rummaged around the couch cushions, trying to find her phone to tell Eula everything was ready.
After a minute she found it, noticing she had a new text message.

Before she could read the message she heard knocking on the door. She threw her phone onto the table and ran to the door, almost tripping on her rug. She catched her balance, a bit embarrassed, she opened the door.

Eula stood there, holding a bag.
" That's what took you so long?"
Eula nodded and waited for Amber to move out of the doorframe and entered Amber's home.

" What'd you get"
Eula handed it over, immediately any anger Amber had at Eula's lateness was forgiven. It was all of her's and Eula's favorite snacks.
She excitingly jumped up and down, placing them down on the table when she became a bit dizzy.

" Don't do that you could make yourself dizzy "
Amber laughed at Eula's nonsensical concerns, but promised she wouldn't do it again. She jumped onto the couch, saving a seat for Eula beside her.
Once Eula was sitting beside her, Amber gave her one of the blankets.

The two debated what they wanted to watch, Amber wanted to watch anything but a horror movie, Eula wanted to watch a horror movie. They eventually came to a compromise, they would watch a horror movie but if Amber got scared they would change it to something else.

Shockingly enough, they managed to get through the entire movie. Amber had a grip on Eula's waist that would tighten whenever she got scared. Eula could barely breathe but stayed quiet through the movie, if it brought Amber comfort she was fine with anything.

Once the movie was over and Amber's breathing was heavy Eula decided to speak.
" We had a compromise if you got to scared we could watch something else."
" I'm not scared, what gave you that idea?"

Eula sighed and motioned to where Amber was holding onto Eula.
Amber immediately let go, apologizing for if her grip was to tight.
As Eula was was searching for a non - horror movie while she reassured Amber it was ok.

She suddenly froze up when she felt Amber lay her head on her lap.
Amber, who almost immediately noticed, swiftly took the remote from Eula, placing it on the table beside the couch. Before Eula could react Amber slid onto Eula's lap, facing her.
" Amber you were just crying over a rated PG horror movie. "

Amber blushed a bit, cupping her hands in her face to hide her embarrassment. She felt Eula clasp her hands onto Amber's and softly removed them.
" I never said there was anything wrong with that did I?"


" Eula you came here with normal clothes on, I'll get you some of mine."
Eula weakly nodded and huddled up in the blanket. When Amber came back she handed her some simple pajamas, she herself had already changed and excused herself from the room so Eula could change.

When Eula told her she was done she came back in and carefully sat down beside Eula, making sure she didn't accidentally sit on her legs.
" Are you ok?"
" Of course."

Once she was done speaking she let out a little yawn, Amber quickly grabbed a freshly out of the dryer blanket and offered it to Eula. Once Eula was under the blanket Amber snuck under the blanket and cuddled up to Eula.

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