' Your so cold ' | Lamber

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Your so cold
Lamber ( Layla x Amber )

This is a birthday gift for my friend ThatChongyunMain, though it is a little late. They also made the picture used for this chapter!

Amber has muscles and I stand by this, no one can change my mind.

Amber loved her job but it really tired her sometimes. That evening when she got home she practically passed out on her bed she shared with her girlfriend who seemed to be asleep herself.

Layla seemed to wake up from this, rubbing her eyes she took a minute to adjust to the light coming in from the windows. ' I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.'

Amber knew how horrendous her girlfriend's sleep schedule was, now feeling slightly guilty for waking her up. ' No, no don't apologize are you ok? You seem," she took a minute to find the right word but Amber finished Love sentence for hee, ' Sore.'

Layla was also aware how physically draining Amber's job could be at times, suddenly an idea popped into her head. ' Where are you hurting?'
' Legs, middle to lower back, arms specifically the muscles and neck, it feels strained. '

Layla used her cryo vision to make her hands colder, carefully she massaged the areas where Amber described she was hurting. She remembered hearing  somewhere that ice helped with soreness.

Amber started to fully relax and the pain she had started to dull. Her body felt cold but not in a bad way, it was relaxing ' Your hands feel so cold.' Amber practically purred as Layla carefully massaged her girlfriend.

It felt so relaxing that she  ended up falling asleep, her head resting on Layla's lap as she happily rested. Layla was somewhat proud of herself that she was able to help her girlfriend, though it might not have been that much she could tell that Amber felt better.

She slowly pulled a blanket over her and Amber, massaging the muscles on Amber's arm as she too started to fall asleep, placing a quick kiss on her girlfriend's forehead before she basically passed out from how tired she was.

Again this is short but I do have more Lamber ideas, again this is a gift for my friend's birthday, happy 2-day late birthday to them.

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