Valentines special, my favorite ships! 1

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Hello hello! Since its past Valentine's day and this book is kind of based on ships I picked a few ships I love and my reader's have seemed to like and write mini Valentine's scenarios! If you want a specific ship or specific scenario please don't be afraid to mention it! Ships : Jeanlisa, Rosacrose, Eulamber, Barbelle, Rannett

Ship one, Jeanlisa, asking out, fluff, no AU

'Jean' A loving familiar voice called out from behind the door, smiling to herself Jean replied, 'Come in!' She placed the ink brush back down and shuffled her papers, watching as the door opened and in steeped the oh so familiar librarian for the Knights of Favonius, who wore her usual attire. Lisa closed the door behind her, her shimmering green eyes laying on Jean. She loved looking at Jean, the way she held herself up, scars from battles were hidden by her cape that she wore, but Lisa knew better than anyone how Jean felt about her scars. Snapping back to reality she snapped her fingers, a purple rose, the thorns carefully had been cut off, appeared in her fingers. She held her hand out, holding the rose out to Jean who seemed taken aback for a minute but accepted after a few silent seconds, Smiling once the rose made contact with her fingers, the light from the sun shimmered on the rose. It was beautiful. 'Thank you Lisa.' She smiled, placing the rose in her shirt pocket, her eyes lovingly locking with Lisa's. It was no secret Lisa had a thing for Jean. And no one would be surprised if Jean felt the same way. Lisa leaned down and placed her fingers under Jean's chin, forcing her to look her in the eyes. Her other hand laid on the wooden desk, supporting herself as she watched the Grand Acting Master turn into a blushing mess. " Jean darling,' Her voice was soft, addicting to Jean, 'will you be my Valentine's.' Her voice was a whisper, Jean didn't know what to say for a few seconds, her words were jumbled. ' But we're both-' One of Lisa's fingers trailed up to shush the blonde. ' Eula and Amber are in an obvious relationship. Sucrose and Rosaria have been spotted having picnic dates at Windrise. Noelle and Barbara have tea dates almost every day in the library or chapel. And not to mention the traveler has had a few romantic encounters. No one will judge darling.' Her other hand came off from the desk and cupped Jean's face, leaning in to kiss her on the nose. ' If it's alright then sure I'd love to- Wait Noelle and Barbara are WHAT?' Lisa chuckled as she pulled her hands away, 'It's obvious darling you're just too busy to see the signs.' Jean knew she was right and shifted in her chair to fix her posture. ' I assume you're right.' Lisa chuckled before opening the door, looking back at the blonde, ' I'll see you tonight.' She teased before leaving the room.  

Rosacrose, date + confession, Albedo and Kaeya is hinted at, no AU

Her crimson red hair, short and perfectly framing her face shape. Her cold exterior, rough when you meet her but the closer you got to her the more she warmed up to you. Maybe that's why Sucrose loved Rosaria. Recently, Rosaria started bringing gifts to the mint haired girl, from hillichurl bones, to slime residue, to the most strangest of things. Sucrose loved these gifts, things could be labeled as strange but that doesn't mean a lesson or story or some magnificent thing could be learned from them. She held the most recent gift, the core of a ruin guard, she had never gotten her hands on something like this. Placing the item down on her research table, she felt a shiver make its way down her spine, she was being watched, and Sucrose, being easily started knew this. Her eyes darted back, falling onto the familiar figure, 'phew it's just you.' She let out a sigh of relief, Rosaria leaned against the door frame of the room, her eyes darting on all the items on the shelves. The gifts she had given the shorter girl were proudly on display, the most recent one laid out on the table. 'Who else could I be?' Her voice haunting but beautiful, Sucrose smiled, her nerves put to an ease. 'Nothing.' She smiled, her focus turned back on the core, her tools laid neatly in front of her. ' Where did you get this?' Sucrose asked, she loved having Rosaria accompany her when she was researching, it brought a sense of comfort. 'Don't worry about it.' The taller girl replied, twirling one of her knives delicately through her fingers, Sucrose knew not to question Rosaria and her eyes shifted back down to her work. Hours passed before she felt like she had the basis covered, she turned around shocked to see Rosaria still there. ' Why are you still here?' Sucrose asked as she put the items away, making sure to be careful with all the random mechanics. 'You're cute when you're working.' She replied, lifting herself up from her relaxed position and walking over to Sucrose, meanwhile Sucrose didn't know if she was red from the cold weather that Mondsdat had been experiencing or if she was blushing from the unexpected compliment. This was very noticeable to Rosaria, a chuckle escaping from her.  'Have any plans later?' Sucrose questioned, trying to subtly hide her bright red face. ' No actually,' Rosaria paused, she was never one to be shy but then again it had been a while since she asked someone out, 'I was wondering if you'd like to join me for a picnic, Windrise maybe?' Sucrose had never been asked out before, so in her mind this was just an innocent outing as friends, not aware her crush was asking her out on a date. But nonetheless a night with Rosaria seemed heavenly to her, she'd be a fool to decline such an invite. 'Of course!' She practically shouted, thankful that no one was around at this time. 'It's a date then.' Rosaria smirked ay Sucrose before heading out. 'A date?' Sucrose whispered to herself, she knew date could mean anything, sometimes it was just a saying when two people agreed to meet at a certain time, sometimes. She stopped herself, was she getting her hopes up? After cleaning her lab she instantly headed home, she didn't know if it was acceptable to wear her normal outfit for such an occasion. None of her clothes seemed to stand out to her, only then had it hit to her that she didn't really dress up a lot, a mint green dress caught her eye, a cute ribbon tied in the back and a white under skirt was sewed in. She didn't know when or why she had bought it but she was thankful she found something, changing she decided to keep her hair in it's regular hair tie, she didn't want to seem desperate. That's when it hit, Rosaria never specified a time. But Sucrose assumed it would be near dinner time so after a couple of hours she made her way to Windrise, it felt awkward walking around Mondsadt in something like what she was wearing, she felt eyes on her. But she remembered what one of her friends, Amber, had reassured her multiple times, No one was staring. Before she knew it she had arrived to the location, ahead of her was a lovely sight. A blanket had been placed on the ground under a tree, on it were a handful of Sucrose's favorite foods, and accompanying all of that was Rosaria, still wearing her nun attire. Now she felt silly for dressing up but as Rosaria's eyes laid on her, she was reassured by a grin, she didn't know why at the moment, but seeing all of this done for her made her heart frantically beat in her chest, threatening to burst out, but that was impossible. She took her seat beside Rosaria, who looked down at her affectionately, muttering something Sucrose couldn't hear. ' I'm happy to see you showed up.' Rosaria handed Sucrose a plate with a few different dishes on it, 'I asked around to find out what you like.' Butterflies swarmed in her stomach, no one had gone this far out of their way for her before. 'Thank you Rosaria.' She hummed, relaxing into the moment. When the two were full, Rosaria held her hand out, pulling the other girl up from the blanket. ' I have one more thing for you.' She whispered into Sucrose's ears, taking her closer to the nearby lake that surrounded the area, a beautiful sight, Sucrose thought to herself. She let out a yelp when she felt a hand tuck itself around her waist, pulling her closer to Rosaria. Startled, Rosaria loosened her grip, looking down at Sucrose. 'Are you ok?' She worriedly asked, ' Yes, just surprised.' Sucrose felt a hand trail off her waist and make it's way into one of her hands. 'Is this ok?' Rosaria asked, being greeted by a nod she pulled the hand close to her lips, kissing it gently, as if Sucrose was royalty. She definitely felt like royalty, loving eyes were locked on her, only then did it hit what was happening, and while suprised she also loved it. 'Sucrose.' Rosaria broke the silence, her other hand slipped back down onto Sucrose's waist, why did it sound so good when Rosaria said her name? ' Yes?' She looked up at the other, awaiting for what was next. ' I think I lo-' Rosaria was cut off by snickering from the nearby bushes. ' You have got to be kidding me.' She groaned, looking over at the bushes, Kaeya had been watching them. 'Rosaria has a crush.' He teased, stepping out from being the bushes, Sucrose silently hated Kaeya for ruining this moment. 'Go away, don't act like you don't have a crush on A-' Kaeya had got the point before she could finish the sentence and quickly ran off, Rosaria knowing well enough she wouldn't hear the end of this for the next few weeks. But that didn't matter to her at the moment, once she made sure there were no more obnoxious pirate men, she pulled Sucrose back in, bending down slightly so her's and Sucrose's lips were only inches apart. ' Let me finish this.' She sighed, her warm breath felt good against Sucrose's lips. 'Sucrose.' She started again, her hands holding Sucrose's. 'I think, no scratch that, I know I love you. Seeing you work on your projects, how kindly you treat others, everything, I love it and I want to get to know you better.' Sucrose didn't know what to say, how would anyone reply in a situation like this. A sense of courage over took her, she wrapped her arms around Rosaria's neck and closed the distance between the two's lip, the kiss was short but sweet, the  two split apart and Sucrose felt her cheeks brighten. She was in love, there was no doubt about that.

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