Vocal cords| Arlebina

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Vocal cords
Modern AU, fluff
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Arlebina ( Arlecchino x Columbina)
Columbina is a not so popular singer in this.

Columbina finally finished her time in the studio today, it wasn't as long as usual but throughout the recording her voice came out in squeaked tones, a stinging feeling in her throat following along. Quickly packing up her personal belongings, she said her good byes and left the studio.

Every time she made a noise the stinging occured in her throat. The cold air stung at her throat, making her wince a bit as she huddled into a jacket she brought with her.

She stopped by a store, buying some medicine that should make the pain go away. The urgent care where she lived was packed, it was best she just buy the medicine and hoped for the best.

Thanking the cashier and paying for items, Columbina left the store while clenching the bag of medication in her hand. When she got home she read what she was supposed to do and when to take each medication, taking one pill now and setting a timer when to take it next time.

Cuddling up with one of her blankets she aimlessly scrolled through her phone as she awaited for the side effects of the medicine to kick in. Every breath she took resulted in a wave of pain.

She fell asleep sooner or later, being awoken a few minutes later by the sound of her phone buzzing, incoming call from Arlecchino. Columbina sent a quick text explaining she can't call, something's wrong with her throat.

She saw that the message had been read but no reply. Trying to fall back asleep she placed her phone on her bedside table and covered herself up in blankets to try to fall back asleep.

Her attempts at sleeping where interrupted yet again when she heard knocking at her apartment door. Pushing herself up from where she was sleeping, she peaked through the key-hole, spotting a mildly concerned Arlecchino.

Opening the door she was greeted by countless questions, had she drunken any water, was she ok, how did she feel, etc. Motioning to her throat, Columbina grabbed her phone and messaged Arlecchino, explaining she couldn't talk due to her throat hurting whenever she tried to.

Quickly apologizing, Arlecchino explained a tea she knew that might help soothe the pain to which Columbina greatly accepted. Taking slow sips of the tea Arlecchino made Columbina questioned why she was acting like this, she was never the type to be worried but after finding out Columbina didn't feel good she made it her responsibility to help her.

But why? She decided not to question it any longer, the tea genuinely seemed to help, she could take steady breathes without her throat burning.

Placing the cup on a table, Columbina watched Arlecchino put together something, which once given to her she realized was a mixture of a medicine along with a herbal tea. It didn't take to long for her to drink, it was barely filled half way and something in it helped Columbina ignore the bitterness of the medicine.

Arlecchino explained it was a pill crushed up to help numb the pain for a bit, though it would make her a bit sleepy, which Columbina felt the effects of a few minutes later.

" Do you need me to leave?" Arlecchino asked as she noticed Columbina letting out a small yawn. Columbina shook her no, motioning her hand to the spot beside her on the couch she was sitting on.

Reluctantly, she sat down beside Columbina, her face a bit red. Columbina laid her head on the arm rest of the couch, taking a few minutes before she drifted off to sleep.

Her back seemed unsupported so Arlecchino looked for a pillow, grabbing a blanket as well, carefully placing the pillow to support Columbina's back and placing the blanket over her.

Making sure not to disturb Columbina, Arlecchino leaned down, giving her a kiss on the forehead before sitting back down beside Columbina. Smiling to herself, Arlecchino let her fingers brush through Columbina's hair till she fell asleep, her head resting against Columbina as she rested.

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