The Potions Professor

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Adelaide was escorted by both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall to her private quarters which are located down the hall from where the professors reside for the evenings. Her room was found behind a large portrait of the castle with four figures standing in the distance.

"This room is different from others, Miss Potter-Black. Whilst others require a password of sorts, yours will only be opened by your magic signature and will not be accessible to anyone else unless you gave direct permission" McGonagall spoke with a professional tone, though a lot softer than usual.

"Thank you, professor" The older witch gave a rare smile before walking away, Snape following close behind with his cloak swaying in the wind.

Adelaide pushed her magic into the portrait and with a sound that resembled locks behind undone, it swung open. The moment she stepped into the opening, the candles that were spread around the room lit up, allowing her to examine her new living quarters for the next seven years.

It was beautiful and reminded her of the Gryffindor common room, except there was no red in sight but instead was a combination of greys, white and black. The living room was a simple but comfortable atmosphere, only holding one three-seater black couch, a black glass table, a grey marble fireplace and two large bookshelves filled with all different types of books with room left for her personal collection.

Adelaide walked to the next door which was the bedroom. The room was a perfect size with a large floor-to-ceiling window that held a comfortable-looking reading space with multiple plumped pillows. The bed by far was the best feature and she knew she would enjoy her sleep in the king-sized bed more than she ever did back in the Gryffindor common room. Thankfully, the other side of the wall held a large white desk for when she needed to complete her homework. To make the room more cosy, the dark grey floorboards had a large black fluffy rug that she knew would feel amazing under her bare feet.

Attached to the bedroom was her ensuite, with a large marble grey sink, a bath that resembled a small swimming pool and a walk-in shower that could hold at least four people.

Walking back into her bedroom, she noticed an alarm clock on her bedside table which showed it to be nine pm. With a wave of her hand, her clothes and personal items from her trunk began organising themselves into the correct places. Feeling exhausted from the long train ride and delicious feast, she collected her pyjamas and shower items before jumping into the large shower for a quick wash.

Once that was over and done with, she threw her dirty clothes in the laundry basket and jumped into bed. She let out a satisfied sigh, feeling the cloud-like bed underneath her body. However, a familiar sound rang threw the room, making her jump up in fright at the suddenness before looking around for the communication mirror that her Papa and Uncle Moony gave her.

"Where the fuck- oh" She picked the mirror up from her other bedside table and accepted the call.

"My beautiful pup!" Her Papa greeted her with a bright smile, making her giggle, especially when her Uncle Moony was seen rolling his eyes in the background.

"Hey Papa, Uncle Moony"

"Hey, cub. How was the sorting?" Moony questioned his niece, a soft smile on his face as he stood behind Sirius.

"It was... Unexpected" Worried frowns made their way into the two men's faces.

"What happened, sweetheart?" Her Papa asked, all cheerfulness absent from his face and voice.

"Well... The last time I was in Gryffindor but apparently the sorting hat decided that I was suitable for all four houses-" She responded vaguely, a small frown on her face.

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