"Well... Ain't that a bitch"

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Exams were over and the pack were confident with how theirs went, especially since Adelaide had made them study every evening for at least two hours. It seemed that with the stress of the exams, Granger had become even more insufferable to not only the pack but to everyone around her.

To wind down after their final exam, the pack along with Pansy, Daphne, Tracy and even Susan and Hannah all had a picnic by the black lake with the sun beaming down on them.

"I can't believe we're going home tomorrow" Pansy sighed as she laid back on the grass, her arm swung over her eyes to block out the sun.

"Does anyone have plans for the summer?"

"Going to France with my parents, not sure for how long" Draco responded with a shrug, receiving a sad pout from Adelaide. "Oh don't give me that look, Della"

Adelaide was pulled onto his lap with her face nuzzled into his neck, the heat radiating from his body was making her more tired than before.

"You never know Amore, maybe your family have summer plans," Theo said in a soothing tone, his fingers running through her thick curls that everyone seemed to love.

With a yawn, Adelaide responded quietly. "Maybe but I'll miss you all" Their faces softened immediately after seeing the adorable pout on her lips and the big emerald eyes looking back at them.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Bella. We'll see each other at some point during the holidays, besides, we need time apart remember" She let out a dramatic sigh and gave a small nod, though they could all tell she wasn't fond of the idea of being apart despite being the one to agree with Mortem on the matter.

"Don't eat too much, Ronnie! We still have the leaving feast" Ron's movements froze just as the sandwich was reaching his mouth, he looked between Adelaide and the food before huffing and putting it back on the plate.

"I hope there's pudding"


"Before we begin our banquet, there are a few things I'd like to say. This year has been a troubling one for everyone at Hogwarts, but especially for those who had been the victims of the petrification. I'm thrilled to see you all happy and well. Let's move on to the house cup. In fourth place with three-hundred and ninety-one is Hufflepuff House-" The hall echoed with polite but slow applause. "Third place, we have Ravenclaw with Four hundred and twenty. Second place is Gryffindor House with Four hundred and Fifty-" The Gryffindors looked disheartened but clapped along with the others in the great hall. "For first place is Slytherin house with four hundred and seventy"

Cheers filled the room from the snakes and for the first time in generations, the other houses celebrated alongside them. Over at the Ravenclaw table, Luna and Adelaide exchanged a knowing look the moment they noticed the angry but smug look in Dumbleodre's eyes. They knew he was up to something.

"Yes yes, well done Slytherin house. However, some last-minute points need to be rewarded-" The Hall filled with whispers, all expressing the unfairness of the situation, especially since Dumbledore should have done so before reading out the house points.

"To Hermione Granger, for showing great bravery in slaying the beast to protect the school. I reward you with one hundred points" Granger looked around with a smug grin, her nose up in the air as she looked down at everyone around them.

"Hell to the fucking no!" Heads snapped in the direction of Adelaide Potter-Black, who was standing and glaring at the headmaster with her glowing emerald eyes. "She didn't slaughter shit!"

"My dear girl-"

"You know how to address me, Dumbledore, please do so. I know for a fact that Granger didn't slaughter anything because I know for a fact that the chamber had not been opened! The so-called beast in the chamber was put there by Salazar Slytherin himself to protect the students, not be used to harm muggle-borns. She has not been out of that chamber for fifty years and she will remain there!"

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