The truth and Hogwarts letters

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Later that evening after dinner was served and devoured, the six twelve-year-olds wandered into the library until it was time for bed. Adelaide knew the time had come for her to explain everything but her nerves were becoming troublesome and were making her feel rather nauseous.

They all sat in the seating area with the fireplace lit, giving the room a soft glow which surprisingly made her calm down but only a little. The boys had noticed her odd behaviour, especially during dinner when she was barely talking and often zoned out, only snapping out of it when one of them would call out her name.

"Amore, are you alright?" Blaise questioned softly from beside her, his face showing his deep concern for the girl.

"I-I uh, I have something to tell you all and I'm not sure how you'll respond" She responded quietly, wringing her hands and keeping her eyes firmly on the fire in front of them.

"Hey... whatever it is, we'll never think any differently of you-" Theo's caring but firm tone brought tears to her eyes, hearing nothing but sincerity. She slowly turned towards them and her heart clenched at the concerned but determined looks in their eyes.

"O-Okay but please, let me finish before you start asking questions" They all nodded and got comfortable in their seats, giving her their undivided attention. (can't be bothered to write what happened each year, I'm sure you all already know)

After a good two and a half hours of explaining, the group were completely silent and stared at Adelaide in a mixture of horror and anger. They couldn't believe how such a beautiful and kind person could suffer so badly and it was painful for Draco who had been one of the main people to cause her such pain.

"I-I'm so sorry" Draco whispered before a sob escaped from his lips. Adelaide immediately rushed over to him and as if it was instinct, he pulled her onto his lap and cried into her shoulder.

"Never apologise, Dray. That life isn't important anymore, we were all manipulated and weren't ourselves. This is the real us and I love you all with everything I have, and never will I leave your side. You're my family, my brothers and I will kill anyone who causes you harm, that is a promise" She declared passionately with tears of her own leaking from her emerald eyes. Draco tightened his hold around her whilst the others surrounded them, embracing the duo with as much affection as they could.

"Is Voldemort really gone? He can't come back?" Ron questioned with a quiver in his tone as he pulled away, the others doing so also as they turned to Adelaide for the answer. She took Ron's hand, giving it a small squeeze with a soft smile on her face.

"He is gone but our main problem now is Dumbledore and Granger" Their eyes hardened at the mention of their names, now knowing everything they did to betray her.

"I hate them" Neville hissed, his eyes glaring venomously at the ground with his hands clenched into a tight fist.

"Can't believe Granger had the balls to do it, to be honest," Blaise scoffed with a shake of his head but yelped as Theo whacked him across the back of the head with a warning glare.

"She was ruthless when she wanted to be, believe me," Adelaide sighed, remembering all the people she had murdered in the battle of Hogwarts. She was careless of the aim of her spells, managing to harm a lot of students who were either close by or who had accidently gotten in the way.

"I can't imagine ever betraying you" Ron whimpered at the thought, his eyes filled with tears which made her heart clench.

"Ron, you were under a lot of compulsions, blocks and potions, that wasn't the real you and I know you'd never betray me now that you're all clear" Ron sighed in relief and nodded his head, receiving comforting pats on the back by the others except Draco, who was still clinging to her like a life line.

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