A Hogwarts Christmas

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Christmas at Hogwarts had always been beautiful to Adelaide, but there was something particularly special about this year. Even though she couldn't spend it with her family, she knew it would be a joyous day because she was able to celebrate with her pack in the magnificent castle. The Hogwarts elves had taken time out of their busy week to decorate her quarters. They filled them with twinkling lights, glittery tinsel, and most importantly, a large tree. The tree had a train track going around it, with a model of the Hogwarts Express moving on a constant loop. This time around, Adelaide had a larger number of people to buy gifts for. Surprisingly, she found it quite easy to decide what to give them and with the help of her trusty elves, she managed to buy and wrap them a few days before Christmas day arrived.

Adelaide and Luna had woken up extra early that morning, their excitement was too much for them to be able to sleep any longer. After showering, the two decided on what to wear for the day and though the castle was extra cold due to the snow outside, they wanted to dress up a little more for the special day.

Luna decided on a purple knee-length flowy dress with lace around the bottom, paired with black flats and black sheer tights. Her hair was put in two French braids and much to Adelaide's amusement, attached mini ball-balls to them.

Adelaide chose to wear a dark green skirt with an off-the-shoulder top that was tucked in, paired with some black heeled boots. She had been practising her metamorphmagus abilities, which she had discovered during a confrontation with Snape. It had taken time and a lot of focus, but she was able to change her appearance completely. However, she decided that she preferred to simply change her hair colour to whatever she liked for the day. On Christmas, Adelaide chose to turn her hair a darker ginger colour, resembling her mother's, and used a hair charm to straighten it.

"You look beautiful, Adelaide" Luna complimented as the ginger-haired witch left her bedroom, not realising that the blonde was in the room as she was focused on putting the many rings she owned onto her fingers.

"Thank you, Lou. You look beautiful too. Let's head to breakfast" The two witches linked arms and made their way down to the great hall, Adelaide listening as Luna excitedly spoke about how beautiful the castle looked and what she hoped to receive as gifts.

Entering the great hall, Adelaide quickly realised that more students were staying for the holidays than last time, which made her rather curious but shrugged it off as her and Luna's names were called. The pack was sat on the Gryffindor table, along with Ginny, Dean and surprisingly, Adrian Pucey.

"You girls look beautiful" Adrian commented with a kind smile, making Luna blush at the compliment whilst Adelaide thanked him with a playful wink.

"He's right, you both look great," Said Theo as Adelaide took the space between him and Ginny.

"Thank you, Teddy. You look handsome" Adelaide responded and placed a kiss on his cheek before serving herself breakfast, completely missing the blush on his cheeks and the teasing smiles from the others.

"How are you, Gin?" The redhead blushed and mumbled a quick "I'm fine," making Adelaide sigh. It had taken a good few years for Ginny to be able to have a decent conversation with her without blushing or running out of the room in pure embarrassment. Adelaide had hoped it wouldn't be the case this time around, but apparently, it was too much to ask. She didn't blame Ginny; the redhead had been raised with stories of Adelaide and all the ridiculous heroic things she had done, which were completely false. But as she said, she couldn't blame the girl.

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