The Hogwarts express

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The time finally came for Adelaide to return to Hogwarts and despite being excited to walk through the doors of the place she once felt was home, she couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest at the thought of leaving her Papa and Uncle behind. Life for her was different this time around and she had people to miss back home when she goes to Hogwarts, especially the two most important men in her life who she had witnessed die in her past life.

Thankfully, with the help of Lady Malfoy, or Aunt Cissy as the blonde beauty preferred to be called, her Papa was truly starting to get back to the man he was before Azkaban. Much to her shock, he was a lot different to who she knew in her previous life as he didn't receive any professional help the last time round. When the time came for Adelaide to explain everything to her Papa, she was surprised to find that the man was much calmer than her Uncle Moony had been. She knew she made the right decision to wait until he was mentally stable enough because, throughout the conversation, she saw her Papa going through a lot of emotions, anger and sadness the main two.

The three felt as though time went extremely quickly as they spent the majority of Sirius' free time bonding. Now, Adelaide, along with her Papa and Uncle was standing on the platform after using the Floo network, much to Sirius' disappointment who believed walking through the barrier between platforms nine and ten was an experience every first-year witch and wizard should experience. That was until she reminded her pouting father that she had already experienced it, but ended up compromising and reassured the dog animagus that after the Yule holidays, they could enter that way.

"Are you sure you have everything, Cub?" Remus questioned, a little frantic as he smoothed out her outfit for what felt like the tenth time since they arrived on the platform.

Adelaide was dressed in a black skirt that sat mid-thigh, along with a green off-the-shoulder top, her leather jacket on top with black ankle boots. Her waist-length curls were put in a half up- half down style with some curls framing her heart-shaped face. She decided on no makeup seeing how she's eleven years old physically and thought it may look a little odd for most people to see such a young girl with her usual make-up style.

"Yes, Uncle Moony" She giggled, making him stop and look down at her, his eyes softening with tears before pulling her into his arms.

"Work hard and enjoy yourself"

"Come on moony, I want to hug my daughter too" Sirius whined, rocking back and forth on his heels. Remus pulled away from his niece and rolled his eyes, though a fond smile was apparent as he looked over at his best friend.

"Come here, Pup" Adelaide instantly ran into her Papa's arms, holding him tight as tears formed in her eyes.

"Your studies are important sweetheart but remember to have fun and carry on the marauder legacy" The two could hear Remus tut at her father's words but neither paid much attention, feeling happy and content in each other's arms until she has to leave until Yule.

"I will Papa, Hogwarts won't know what hit them" She responded cheekily, pulling away slightly to look up at her papa with a mischievous grin, one that resembled both of her fathers.

"I'm going to miss you, sweetheart" Sirius sighed, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to miss you too, both of you" She smiled and with a departed hug from both men, she made her way onto the train.

She wandered through the train, looking at each department to find one that was empty. By the time she made it more than halfway, she finally found one that was not occupied and slipped in. She pulled out her shrunken case and enlarged it before placing it in the luggage compartment above the seats, thankful that her case had a feather-light charm on it. Adelaide let out a sigh and took her seat by the window, looking out into the crowd for any familiar faces.

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