Dementors during Quidditch

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The next morning, everyone was energized and ready for the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. On the way to the Great Hall, Adelaide was stopped by Percy, who explained that the night before, Granger had questioned everyone about the whereabouts of Neville, Ron, Ginny, and the twins. Being told that they were with Adelaide, the bushy-haired witch began ranting for ages and threatened to tell the headmaster that boys were in her room.

"Don't worry, Perc, it's just jealousy" The head boy nibbled on his lip nervously but nodded nonetheless, trusting his Alpha and knowing she had a lot of free reign in and out of Hogwarts.

They soon entered the great hall, the atmosphere filled with anticipation and excitement and it was clear that the pack were the most energised by the volume that came from them. Percy wandered off to sit with his girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater whilst Adelaide joined the others at the Slytherin table. She noticed Adrian, Marcus and a few of their friends were sitting with them, and Adelaide made sure that Marcus saw the unhappy glare aimed his way.

"Come on! I apologised already, Adel" He whined, surprising most at the Snake table as they had never seen the usually cold and vicious wizard behave in such a way. "I'll... buy you as many chocolate frogs as you want"

This caught Adelaide's attention and the glare slowly fell from her face, replaced with a smirk that made many around them shiver. Most of the students and professors at Hogwarts have gotten used to Adelaide Potter-Black and all that she represents in the wizarding world. However, she still managed to surprise them with her behaviour at times. For a witch with such prestigious titles, Adelaide was not one to behave as most pure-bloods do. She wore her emotions on her sleeve and never failed to express them whenever she felt necessary, which often led her into trouble and she had made it pretty clear to everyone that she would not be put into an arranged marriage, no matter how much galleons pure-blood lords offer.

"Why're you so mad anyway?" Draco questioned curiously as he scooped some porridge into two bowls, adding some honey for Adelaide and sprinkling some sugar into his.

"Because someone-" She shot Marcus a look, to which he smiled sheepishly. "Decided to tell Madam Hooch that Prince was too sick to play, only because the weather is a little inconvenient for him" The Slytherin team gaped at the witch, not understanding how the horrific rain storm outside was only seen as a little inconvenient in her eyes.

"I don't blame him" Blaise mumbled as he gazed out the window, dreading having to sit outside and watch the match but the pack had promised the twins they'd cheer them on.

Soon, the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor team is seen getting ready to leave the great hall to prepare for the match. Fred and George seemed to be the only pair confident in the match, despite the horrific weather that was most definitely bothering the others. Adelaide, having the Black dramatics, stood on her seat and called out for the twins, instantly gaining most of the attention of the hall.

"Good luck my darling twins! Make us proud!" The pack lowered themselves in embarrassment whilst the twins smiled broadly and waved enthusiastically at their Alpha, feeling their hearts grow double at her behaviour.

"Sit down, Bella!" Ron laughed and lightly pulled at her leather jacket, making the witch buckle slightly and fall into his lap. Instead of moving, Adelaide settled comfortably and continued to eat her porridge, ignoring the disgusted scowls, adored cooing or envious glares aimed their way.

"Ugh, I need to find myself a man" Pansy whined as she glanced over at Adelaide and Ron, the two not even sparing her a glance as they whispered to one another.

"I volunteer" Anthony Goldstein shouted from the Ravenclaw table, his friends Terry Boot, Michael Corner and Ernie Macmillan all watched and laughed in amusement.

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