Protective Witch

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Their next lesson is transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, one of Adelaide's favourite subjects. This time around, both she and Ron were on time and found that they, along with her group of friends were one of the first to arrive. On the desk that sat at the front of the class, was an adorable cat with odd markings around its eyes, and of course, Adelaide knew exactly who it was and with eagerness, she approached her.

"Looking good, Minnie" She commented in a whisper with a playful wink before walking back to the seat Ron claimed for them both, completely missing the shocked look on the cat's face.

"Where do you reckon Professor McGonagall is?" Ron questioned the group as he took out his quill and parchment.

"She'll be here soon" Blaise responded with a shrug, leaning forward in his seat from behind Adelaide to play with her black curls.

It wasn't long until the other first-years entered the room and all took a seat as they whispered to one another, feeling a little more courageous due to not seeing their professor. Adelaide, whilst conversing with her friends, could feel a heated glare aimed at the side of her face.

"Merlin, that girl has a lot of anger" Theo whispered to the group, looking at Granger with a blank stare.

"What's your problem, Granger?" Ron shouted out to the girl who was sitting on the other side of the room. Her eyes widened in shock briefly before they narrowed on the group.

"Who said I had one?" She huffed, her arms folded to her chest.

"Please Granger, you aren't exactly subtle" Theo scoffed, rolling his eyes and leant back in his seat. Granger's face seemed to redden even more when she noticed the group turning away, not paying her the attention she deserved.

"You all think your amazing, don't you?" She shouted, shooting up from her seat with her hands on her hips. Her action gained the attention of the class and the cat, who sat up straighter instantly.

The group exchanged looks before turning back to her. "Yes," they spoke in unison, making those around the room snicker.

"You aren't even meant to be friends! Everyone knows Gryffindor and Slytherin don't get along" Everyone watched curiously as the group, which was a mixture of Gryffindor and Slytherin, simply burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Lavender Brown, a first-year Gryffindor whispered to her new friend and roommate, Parvati Patil, who shrugged in confusion.

"Granger, Adelaide is the heir to Hogwarts which means she's a descendant of all four founders. We don't care about house Rivalries, especially when my sister wants to bring everyone together" Neville spoke, his voice strong with a hint of protectiveness for his sister.

Suddenly, the Cat that had been observing the argument, transformed. Professor McGonagall stood sternly, her eyes focused on Hermione Granger, who was gaping in absolute horror at the head of Gryffindor house.

"P-Professor" She gasped, her face red from embarrassment.

"Miss Granger, whilst you were correct about the house Rivalries, that doesn't mean that we accept such ridiculous notions and have for many years, tried to squash the animosity. For you to stand there and say that their friendship isn't right because of said ridiculous rivalry is absolutely horrific and it will not stand! 5 points from Gryffindor and I'd advise you to leave them alone from now on" Granger looked as though she was close to bursting into tears but simply mumbled a quick apology to the professor and took a seat, keeping her head down.

"Now! Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned" She spoke sternly, gazing down at every student who squirmed slightly in their seats as her eyes landed on them.

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