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Adelaide jolted up, banging her head on what felt like a wooden shelf. She let out a quiet painful groan, rubbing the sore spot on her forehead before looking wide-eyed at the familiar room she was currently in.

"Fuck, I forgot about the Dursleys" She whispered to herself, laying back on her ridiculously thin mattress and began contemplating what to do about her so-called family.

"Hello, Adela" A deep voice was heard from within her mind, making her jolt up and once again, bang her head on the wooden shelf.

"Fuck!" She hissed, holding her head with her eyes clenched shut. "Mort, is that you?" She whispered, hoping her aunt and uncle would not have heard the loud bangs.

"Yes, little love. This is how I communicate, and you don't need to speak out loud to respond"

"Oh, thank Merlin, I don't want to look crazy" She responded, hearing a deep chuckle from the deity.

"I wanted to inform you that I removed all blocks and compulsions from your system. You'll need to learn to control your magic because it is a lot more powerful than in your previous life, but don't worry about anyone re-applying them, being my mistress makes you immune to all bad potions, compulsions and blocks"

"Really? Oh, I could kiss you!" She gasped in excitement and relief, receiving another chuckle from Mortem.

"You're only ten, Adela. Wait a few years and we can discuss it" He teased, making Adelaide thankful that he was unable to see her because otherwise, he'd notice how red and hot her face had gotten.

"Up! Get up!" Adel cringed at the high-pitched voice of her aunt Petunia. Sighing in frustration as she heard the cupboard door unlock. "Now!"

Adelaide tiredly left the cramped cupboard under the stairs, smiling to herself when her cousin, Dudley huffed upset that he was unable to push her back inside as he intended. She followed Dudley into the kitchen where her uncle was sitting with a newspaper in hand.

"There's the birthday boy!" Petunia cooed, kissing her son's large cheeks as he stared at the table full of presents greedily.

"Cook the bacon and don't burn anything" The older woman demanded as she spotted Adelaide in the doorway.

"No" The room fell silent as the three Dursleys stared at Adel in shock. She leaned against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest, a smirk appearing on her face when she noticed how purple her uncle's face was turning.

"You do as we say, girl" Vernon shouted, shooting up from his seat and in doing so, his large stomach caused the table to jolt which resulted in the pile of presents to tumble over.

"Not anymore. If I am to make breakfast, I'll be doing it for myself. I'm sure your delightful housewife can make your meals for you and your little dudikins" Petunia was too busy consoling her hysterical son to hear what Adelaide had said, and so she missed the signs of her husband's temper thinning.

"Cook. The. Bacon. NOW!" He roared and stomped towards her, his hands out to grab the ten-year-old girl but before he could reach her, his whole body froze and the other two in the room watched in shock as he fell backwards with a loud *thump*.

"What did you do you freak?" Petunia screeched as her face grew pale, dropping down next to her husband as Dudley stood to the side, shaking.

"I'm a witch, Auntie, it's what we do best"

Petunia froze and stared up at her niece with fear-filled eyes, not knowing where she found out the one thing she and her husband agreed to keep secret.

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