Petrified suspect

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I know some of you are a little confused about Adelaide's love life, so I thought it's best to explain. I've decided that she'll have a reverse harem with Blaise, Theo, Ron, Enzo, Matteo and death.

I'm not quite sure who I want Draco or Neville to be with but I'm all up for suggestions! - I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I apologise for the slow updates but I've been struggling with writer's block. Hopefully, I can get over that soon!


For the next few days, the pack spent the majority of their time in the library or Adelaide's room, researching as much as they could but seemed to run into dead ends at every turn. They all started to lose hope and their desperation to find answers only grew when Colin Creevey, a first-year Gryffindor became the next victim.

"This is fucking ridiculous! There's nothing in these books" Theo groaned, throwing a book of dark curses on the table.

"Maybe we should ask our parents. The nargles say they may hold the answers" Luna commented lightly as she began to use the books as building blocks. They all turned towards her, their eyes showing a mixture of amusement and disbelief at the fact that they hadn't thought of asking those who had access to more in-depth magic.

"You're a smart little witch" Draco praised in awe, making the blonde Ravenclaw giggle and shrug as she continued to build with the books.

Adelaide grabbed her mirror and called out to her papa, a bright smile forming on her face at the sight of him.


"My little pup. How are you? How are your classes? How's the pack? We miss you, so much" The pack smiled fondly which only grew at seeing her face so bright and happy.

"Do you remember what I told you, about-" She looked over at Enzo hesitantly, his expression morphing to one of confusion as he noticed the pack looking at him. "Um, about what happened"

"Sure, you said that the snake was trying to kill Muggle-borns, no?" Adelaide nibbled on her bottom lip and nodded sharply. She knew she had to inform Enzo of what was going on, and felt that perhaps the Weasley twins should be involved also, seeing how she had gotten closer to them since her second year began.

"It's happening again, papa but it isn't the diary or the basilisk. We aren't sure but Mortem thinks Dumbles is involved, we can't figure out if it's a spell or something else causing it but we've looked in every book possible and there are no answers. I was wondering if you could gather the parents and perhaps look in all the family libraries, including the Black one" Sirius' happy expression turned into one of concern and determination, hating that his daughter and her friends had to be around such danger and hoped that he and the other parents would find some answers.

"Sure puppy, I'll discuss it with the others. Please be careful and that means the pack too, and keep your mirror with you at all times" Adelaide nodded her head and after a goodbye from her papa, she placed the mirror to the side and turned her full attention to Enzo.

"I guess we have things to discuss but first, Ron, I need you to get the twins" The Redhead looked confused for a moment before realisation lit up in his eyes, he nodded with a small smile before quickly leaving her private quarters.

It wasn't long until the three Weasleys returned to her room, the Twins looking around in wonder. The moment they spotted Adelaide, their faces lit up and they rushed towards her, lifting her onto their shoulders.

"Hey! Put me down you two menaces" She laughed loudly, ruffling their fluffy ginger hair.

"Do you hear that, George?"
"I did, Fred"
"Our dear, Adella-"
"Called us Menaces!"

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