Snacks and gossip

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Hello everyone, I wanted to make some things clear. I've received a few messages here and there, stating that some of their behaviours are not what 12-year-olds do. So I decided to explain a little more to clear things up. The behaviour between the pack is due to the magical connection they have with one another, it makes them extremely clingy and because of their tight friendship, they are comfortable enough with one another that they feel they can be that way without it being weird. Also, magical children's growth is much quicker than Muggles, meaning they experience teenage hormones earlier too.
Also, I'm basing their experience at Hogwarts on what I know a British school to be like. Some may find it shocking or weird that twelve-year-olds are going around getting into fights and speaking in such a way that's more mature for their age but in all honesty, I've seen a lot worse behaviour from my secondary school. British teens often tell dirty jokes, flirt and behave a little... wild so that's what I'm gonna write Adelaide and her pack life at Hogwarts to be like.
If you do not like that, then do not read.

Short chapter today guys, I'm sorry but I am writing this at 2 am 🤣

The castle had been quiet for some time, the attacks had stopped and it seemed that most had forgotten that they even happened, though Colin Creevy and Mrs Norris were still in their petrified state. Adelaide had been informed of her papa and uncle's findings and was rather curious about the different types of magic other countries have. However, despite not having proof, Adelaide and her pack were 95% sure that it was Dumbledore who was behind the attacks and wondered what his next step was since he hadn't done anything for quite some time.

It was now November and the castle was even colder than the weeks prior, meaning that those who were able to perform the heating charm had to spend a lot of time applying it to students who couldn't, especially the first years who struggled the most with the frosty temperature.

Adelaide had decided to spend the evening with Luna, Padma Patil, Pansy, Daphne and Tracy in her quarters for a so-called 'girls night' which simply consisted of gossiping, doing each other's nails and indulging in delicious snacks. Meanwhile, the Weasley twins were with Lee, setting up their next big prank whilst the other pack members were having a boy's night in the Slytherin dorm rooms.

"Oh come on, it's obvious you have a crush on her" Neville rolled his eyes at his four friend's obviousness. It was obvious to both he and Draco that the other second-year boys in the pack had developed somewhat of a crush on his sister. Despite claiming that their feelings had been nothing but platonic, Neville and Draco were able to pick up on how they all stuck closer to her than they did, and the fact that they constantly find ways to earn her praises. Not forgetting the puppy dog eyes and bright blushes they have whenever she shows them affection.

"Mate, you're crazy" Ron chuckled with a shake of his head. Sure, he found Adelaide beautiful and one of the most caring people he had ever met but he didn't think his feelings for her were anything but friendly. However, he had realised rather quickly that his claim of seeing her as a 'sister' wasn't the case anymore, it was completely the opposite but still, a crush? Nope, it's impossible.

"You blush every time she shows you affection" Draco pointed out, raising his eyebrow as though daring him to say otherwise.

"I admit, I have a crush on her" Enzo shrugged before popping a piece of chocolate in his mouth, not noticing the slight glares aimed his way by Ron, Theo and Blaise.

"Thank you! See, at least someone is man enough to admit it" Neville patted Enzo on the shoulder with a grin, making the boy wink playfully before indulging in more chocolate.

"Yes well... Draco likes Luna" Draco spluttered, his cheeks bright red at Blaise's words.

"Do not!" they all laughed, finding the flustered state the blonde was in amusing. Draco huffed and grabbed a wrapped chocolate frog, throwing it at Theo's which hit him directly on the forehead. That started a full-blown food fight, resulting in a very messy dorm room.

Meanwhile, the girls were sitting in front of the lit fireplace with a variety of foods in front of them, along with different coloured nail vanishes and both muggle and magical magazines.

"Who's that?" Pansy pointed out beside Adelaide, both girls looking through the muggle magazine with interest.

"That's Johnny Depp. He's an actor" She responded, laughing at the heart-filled eyes of her friend.

"What's an actor?" Padma asked curiously, looking up from painting her nails a vibrant pink colour.

Adelaide let out a groan, rolling onto her back. "I've gotta take you girls to the muggle world. An actor is someone who performs for people's entertainment. Muggles have these things called movies, which are moving and talking pictures that tell stories. Actors and actresses play different characters with different storylines" The group were intrigued and was more than willing to take Adelaide up on her offer to watch these muggle movies.

"I-I have a question" They all turned to Tracy, who was fiddling with her fingers nervously. Seeing she had their attention, she let out a sigh and looked at Adelaide. "Is Hogwarts safe?"

Her question caught everyone off guard, making them sit up at the sudden turn of conversation which went from playful to serious.

"Are you talking about the attacks?" Tracy nodded slightly, making Adelaide sigh before nibbling her bottom lip, contemplating what to tell them. She knew she couldn't reveal everything but perhaps hinting at a few things would make them more aware.

"There isn't much I can say, Tracy but what I will tell you is that these attacks have nothing to do with Salazar Slytherin. I'd advise you to stay alert but apart from that, things will be fine. Believe me when I say that sooner or later, I will be taking control of Hogwarts and making it a better place for us all" Tracy nodded, not completely satisfied by her response but her words reassured her enough not to fear walking through the halls each day.

"Just two people are standing in your way, Dear Sister, but not to worry, the pack will help you on your journey and I must say, it's looking beautifully bright"

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