Godric's Hollow

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As they landed at the entrance of the cave, Adelaide took a deep inhale of the sea air and shivered slightly as the cold winds whipped around them. Mortem was busy glaring into the cave whilst Sirius and Remus were looking around with uneasy expressions, both sticking as close to her as possible knowing the creatures the cave was infested with.

"You do realise that I can control the inferi, correct?" They shot her unimpressed glares at her teasing tone, making her huff with a pout at their unusual serious behaviour.

"Can't we just apparate to the area we need to go?" Sirius questioned, glaring into the cave as he tried to see through the darkness. He remembered his daughter explaining her time there with Dumbledore and the things they needed to do to get to the right destination, and he'd rather avoid rowing through the dangerous waters.

"Normally? No, but your with us, so it's possible" Mortem responded with a proud grin, making Adelaide giggle under her breath.

"Fucking Fantastic" Remus mumbled, his enhanced senses picking up the different kinds of magic surrounding the cave.

Mortem placed his arm on Sirius' shoulder, giving the others time to connect hands before transporting them to the rock that sat in the middle of the infested water. Adelaide eyed the crystal basin that sat in the middle of the rock and was shocked to find the fake locket lying in the bottom surrounded by the dark potion that Dumbledore had once consumed. She should have expected it but for whatever reason, she assumed that because the Horcruxs no longer existed, the fake locket wouldn't have remained in the cave.

"So... how do we find him?" Remus questioned, side-eyeing his best friend in concern as the Black Lord stared intensely at the water. He could see the mixed emotions in his grey eyes, the twinge of hope that was barely there with a look of intense grief at the thought of his younger brother being at the deep depth of the waters. He slowly placed his hand on Sirius' shoulder, though the man either didn't acknowledge it or was too lost in his thoughts.

"Tom had placed a preservation spell on the cave, hoping to keep the inferi...fresh? If Regulus Black is somewhere in that water, then he'll be exactly how he was right before being dragged under. Though, he'd been instantly put into some sort of magical sleep, so he'll be a little... Confused once resurfaced" Mortem explained and at that moment, Sirius finally allowed the hope that he'll have his younger brother back to grow in his heart.

"Okay... but how do we get him?" Before they could come up with any suggestions to retrieve Regulus from the water, Adelaide raised her palm and used the accio spell to summon him. "Sweetheart, I don't think-"

Much to the older marauder's shock, a body shot out from the water and slowly began floating towards them. Adelaide laid him softly on the rock and knelt beside the body, sighing shakily as she removed the hood from his head.

"Reggie" Sirius gasped and immediately knelt beside his daughter, cupping his younger brother's cheeks and ignoring the icy temperature of his skin.

"Papa, we should take him back home and make him comfortable... I'm not sure how long-" Suddenly, they were pushed back as Regulus shot up into a sitting position, a loud gasp leaving his lips. His eyes were still a little dazed and he began looking around frantically, as though he was expected to be in danger.

"Fucking hell, he scared the shit out of me!"

"Language, cub"

"Reggie?" Regulus froze and slowly turned towards the familiar voice, his grey widening briefly at the older version of his brother.

"S-Siri?" His croaky voice was filled with realisation and relief, making Sirius let out a sob before pulling his younger brother into his arms, completely ignoring the water that was now seeping into his clothes.

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