Tension running high

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Adelaide stood on the grassy hill, overlooking the beauty of Hogwarts as she relished in the magic that flowed through her body and into her core the moment she stepped through the wards. Despite feeling it multiple times since returning to Hogwarts in her first year, it never stopped surprising her with how addictive it could be.

With a soft sigh, she began to make her journey towards the castle where the students would just be finishing their lunch. She missed the castle but the excitement of seeing her pack again made her pick up the pace. However, the moment she entered the castle, she was surprised to be greeted by Professor Flitwick who was extremely out of breath.

"Professor? Are you alright?" The small professor's head snapped up with a look of shock and relief.

"Adelaide, thank Merlin you're here! It's Mr Nott-" Her heart clenched, many horrible scenarios going through her mind on what happened to one of her best friends.

"What happened? What's wrong with Theo?" She questioned desperately, feeling slightly impatient as she watched the professor try to catch his breath.

"Fight... third floor-" Was the only thing he could get out before Adelaide ran, anger and desperation filling her which made her movements all that much faster.

Arriving at the third floor, Adelaide could hear the loud chanting and cheers as she caught the sight of a large group in the middle of the corridor. She knew Theo was involved but wondered what had happened to cause him to fight, and though she was aware of his temper, she didn't think he'd pick a fight randomly. Rushing towards the group, she released some of her magic which made whoever was in her way move to the side.

"Bella! Thank fuck you're here!" Ron called out, his face red and covered in sweat with his hair sticking to his forehead. "We tried to stop it, but Theo wouldn't listen"

"I'll deal with it, get the rest of the pack and try to get people to leave" Ron nodded and left swiftly to the other members of the pack. Adelaide pushed through the remaining group, her eyes widening as she set eyes on Theo on top of Cormac McLaggen, repeatedly punching him in the face. From the looks of Theo's bloody face, McLaggen had gotten lucky with a few punches of his own.

"Theo! Stop!" She heard Pansy shout, trying to pull him off only to be pushed away roughly, making the girl stumble back into Daphne's arms.

"THEODORE!" She growled out, her voice dominating the others which made all noise and movement stop. Theo's head snapped up in her direction, a look of shame and sadness filling his eyes which made her heart clench.

"Come, Amore. It's okay" She said gently as she approached him, holding her hand out for him to take. He looked between Adelaide and her hand before hesitantly placing his in hers. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up" He nodded meekly, his head lowered in embarrassment.

Adelaide turned to those who remained in the corridor, her eyes glowing as she pushed more of her magic out. "Leave. Now!" They all rushed away in fear, leaving only her pack, the three Slytherin girls and a beaten Cormac.

"Why don't you boys take McLaggen to the hospital wing, I'll deal with Theodore" A whimper-like sound escaped Theo's lips but was ignored as she watched Enzo and Neville pick Cormac off the ground without any care. It seemed to her that whilst Theo may have taken it too far, they were all in agreement that Cormac had done or said something that was deserving of a beating.

"Come on, Teddy" The journey to her quarters was silent and tense but every once in a while, Adelaide would squeeze Theo's hand to reassure him that she was still there and wasn't too angry. Pushing her magic into the portrait, it swung open and much to Theo's confusion, she guided him towards her bedroom inside of sitting him on the couch as he expected.

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