Crow sighting

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The entire pack is assembled in Adelaide's living room, eagerly awaiting the moment to receive their mark. She had been in discussions with Mortem for over an hour, ensuring that the marking would go as planned. She was rather nervous but knew that this was the best option to keep those she loved safe.

"Is everyone ready?" She called out as she entered the living room, smiling slightly at the pack who all nodded eagerly. "Whose first?"

"I will" Her papa stepped forward, a confident look in his eyes that made her heart melt. It was an amazing feeling to know that they trusted her enough to do this, she would have completely understood if they weren't fond of the idea since most of their parents had been branded by Voldemort with the Death Eater mark.

Sirius removed his coat and lifted his short sleeve, giving her access to his shoulder where the mark would be placed. She looked up at her papa nervously, second doubts playing in her mind and wondered if there was a better way to ensure her pack's safety. Seeing the look in his daughter's eyes, he pulled her into a loving embrace and smiled as the familiar purr escaped her lips.

"You're doing the right thing, pup. This is to keep everyone safe and besides, you're a born leader and there's no one else in the world that we'd rather follow" Adelaide shook her head and stepped back, running her fingers through her hair as she let out a shaky breath.

"I don't want followers, papa. I'm not him" She spat in disgust, hating the thought of people seeing her how the death eaters did with Voldemort.

"Exactly. You aren't him, Adelaide-" Said Regulus as he stepped beside her, looking down at his niece with a softness. "He was a monster that tortured and terrorized not only the world but his followers too. You're the Alpha and we are your pack, but you are still a thirteen-year-old witch which means your arse could still get grounded" Adelaide let out a watery laugh and nuzzled her face into her uncle's chest, the youngest Black cooing as he ran his fingers through her long curls.

Getting herself together, she took a deep breath and stepped out of her uncle's embrace. She nodded before turning back to her papa, who was watching the two interact with a smile on his face. He rolled his short sleeve up once again and after a reassuring smile from the Lord, Adelaide placed her hand flat against his shoulder, closed her eyes and began to chant in her mind.

"How does it feel?" Remus whispered to his best friend, not wanting to distract his niece.

"It's tingly and a little hot but not painful" This seemed to ease the younger members of the pack, and were able to finally relax until it was their time to get marked.

One by one, each member of the pack, including Percy, Ginny, and the two older professors, received their marks. They chose to have the marks on their shoulders, except for Adelaide, who decided to have hers on her arm for easier summoning of the pack, if necessary.

"Everyone, stand in a circle and hold hands please" They all exchanged looks of confusion but followed the instruction nonetheless. Once they were all linked, Adelaide began to chant once again and the air around them slowly began to drop in temperature.

Every person in the pack started to feel a sensation in their magical cores as if something was prodding and tugging at them, but there was no pain. Suddenly, a surge of power rushed into their cores, causing them all to gasp as it continued to flow at a more soothing pace. After a minute or so, the flow ceased, leaving them breathless yet energised and that's when something in them clicked into place. They were suddenly overwhelmed by different emotions that they knew weren't their own, and their heads began to fill with multiple voices leaving them with a mild headache.

"To cease the voices, you need to put your walls back up" Mortem called out as he appeared in the middle of the circle, along with a beautiful woman with a long white flowy dress that reached the floor and golden blonde hair that is up in a crown braid.

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