Luna Lovegood

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It was dark by the time they arrived at Hogsmeade station and the students, both excited and nervous made their way onto the platform in the now chilly air.

"Do you see that tall guy?" Adelaide pointed out to Enzo as she gestured towards Hagrid who was calling out to the first years. Enzo nodded slightly as he eyed the half-giant curiously.

"You'll have to go with him and the firsties so you can get sorted. We'll see you in the great hall" Enzo nodded nervously and with a soft smile, Adelaide brought him into a tight embrace. "You'll be fine, Enz"

"I know-" He sighed shakily. "I'll see you guys soon" The Marauders 2.0 with their leather jackets over their school uniform, nodded their heads with smiles and small 'good luck'.

"Come on, let's go get a carriage," Draco said as they watched Enzo make his way through the crowd and toward Hagrid and the first years.

They managed to get a carriage along with the Wesley twins and Lee Jordan, making small talk as they made their journey towards the castle. As soon as Adelaide entered the castle wards she felt a wave of magic spread through her, making her close her eyes and smile as she relished in the warmth it brought her.

"You okay, cousin?" Draco whispered with a curious frown, receiving a bright smile from the witch who seemed to have a dazed look in her eyes.

"Lady Hogwarts is pleased that we've returned" She giggled as she felt tingles go through her body, as though Hogwarts was agreeing with her statement.

"Do you feel that because you're the Hogwarts heiress?" Lee questioned curiously as he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

"Yeah but I'm also magically sensitive, so if you have that gift and pay close attention, you'll feel some of it too"

"We're here" Neville called out tiredly, a yawn escaping his lips as he jumped out of the carriage, holding out a hand to help Adelaide down.

"Thank you, brother" Adelaide kissed his cheek and hooked her arm around his, the marauder's pack and the three older wizards making small talk as they made their way into the castle.

"I'm going to sit at the Ravenclaw table, you boys be good" She warned in a teasing tone, earning playful glares from her friends as they slit between the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables.

Adelaide walked over to the Ravenclaw table, ignoring the confused and curious Stares from most in the hall as she took a seat beside Padma Patil.

"Hi," Padma greeted nervously, a small smile on her face. Adelaide's face softened, knowing how shy the girl truly was from her first life. It was a surprise when she was placed in Ravenclaw since she had once been Adelaide's roommate in Gryffindor Tower with her twin, Pavati.

"Hey Padma, how was your summer?" for a brief moment, Padma looked shocked that the famous witch knew her name and felt her cheeks heat up when she realised she was staring.

"I-It was good, thank you. How was yours?"

"Mine was great and please, don't be so nervous. I'm just a student like you" Adelaide giggled, gaining the attention of a few Ravenclaws nearby.

Padma's blush deepened but a small smile appeared on her face. "That's not true"

"Yes, it is. I'm learning magic, just like everyone else here" Padma's shoulders slumped in relief at Adelaide's kindness and was surprised at how humble she was, especially with how powerful she was magically and politically.

"Thank you"

The seats in front of the two witches suddenly became occupied and Adelaide instantly recognised the three wizards as Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Terry Boot. The three were too busy whispering with one another to realise that she was sitting at their table and it was Michael who noticed her as soon as he turned his attention to those on his table.

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