Plans and day of peace

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"All students are to make their way to the great hall until Hogwarts is further inspected" The headmaster's voice echoes through the castle. The head of the four houses had gathered all the students and escorted them down to the great hall, where hundreds of sleeping bags were laid out and the ceiling reflected the twinkling night sky outside.

The pack immediately settled down together in the corner of the hall with Adelaide squished between Luna and Blaise. The males of the pack made sure to keep the females in the middle, surrounding them as a form of protection. Adelaide knew the search was pointless and even told her Uncle Remus so but according to the headmaster, Dolohov could be anywhere and was simply hiding.

"I know cub, but the search is just a precaution" Adelaide let out a sigh and nodded her head, understanding that the professors were simply doing their job, no matter if the criminal had remained at Hogwarts or not.

"Fine, but please get some sleep tonight" Her tone was stern but Remus could see the concern in his cub's eyes. With a soft smile, he nodded his head and placed a kiss on her forehead before joining the other professors at the other end of the hall.

Adelaide made her way back to the pack, ignoring the looks she was receiving from those she passed. Daphne, Tracy, Pansy, Luna and Ginny were smuggled into their sleeping bags, slowly drifting off whilst the others, minus Percy, were sitting against the wall in a whispered discussion. They all smiled softly as she approached the group of wizards, Draco patting the space beside him which Adelaide immediately slumped into.

"You okay, Principessa?" Adelaide nodded as she yawned, her eyes feeling heavy and it was becoming harder for them to remain open. Seeing her so exhausted, Theo lightly pulled her down and allowed her head to rest on his lap, his hands immediately going to her hair as he began running his fingers through it.

"Sleep, cousin. We'll be here when you wake up" Draco said softly, grabbing the nearest sleeping bag and draping it over her. Almost instantly, her eyes fluttered closed and she drifted off into a deep slumber. The pack watched her, adoration in their eyes and for the first time in days, she looked completely relaxed and without trouble.

"She needs to rely on us more" Neville sighed, tears pricking his eyes as he thought over how much she had been there for him the last few days. He knew she had a lot going on in her head and he felt incredibly guilty for adding to her stress. He tried his hardest to keep the sadness at bay but she could feel it through their bond, and demanded she be there for him as not only their alpha but also his sister.

"We need to pick up on our training, that way we can help out a lot more" Blaise whispered, glancing around in hopes that no one was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"It's not just about training-" Said Ron, shaking his head as he softly picked up Adelaide's hand and began playing with her rings. "We need to take the load off. I know I've only just got my lordship but it holds some sort of importance in the ministry. We need to start using our names for good"

"You're right-" Enzo nodded, determination filling his brown eyes. He leans forward and gestures for the others to do the same before speaking. "We need to keep an eye out for Dolohov, that's the most important task right now but we cannot forget about Dumbledore. He's Enemy number one"

Meanwhile, miles away in Malfoy manor, Lucius and Narcissa were trying to wrap their heads around what Sirius and Regulus had just informed them. Narcissa had abandoned all her pure-blood teachings and burst into tears, not caring about hiding her emotions or being seen as ladylike and elegant. She felt incredibly guilty, she should have seen the signs but her sister hadn't been the sanest out of her and her two siblings, so she always assumed Bellatrix had been consumed by the dark magic and attention the dark lord had given her.

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