Betrayal and meeting Death

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Adelaide stood beside her two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, looking over at the destroyed castle that Adel once called her home. Bodies of the enemy remained scattered whilst those who died to protect the castle were being transported into the great hall for those mourning their loss.

Both Ron and Adelaide had someone to mourn inside the castle, one being Fred Weasley, Ron's older brother and one of Adelaide's best friends. But neither one of them had any more tears to cry, especially Adel who also had her godfather and his wife laying lifeless beside one another, leaving their one-year-old son at home, now an orphan.

"You okay, Bella?" Ron asked softly as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Ron had always called Adelaide by her middle name 'Bella' and it was one of the many ways the boy knew made her feel his affection.

"No, but I will be. How about you, Ronnie?" She responded, cuddling into his side and both missing the jealous and angry looks aimed at them from Hermione.

"Me too" He sighed, kissing her dirty forehead.

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking" Hermione huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and turning her head away from the duo. The two sent each other looks of annoyance, feeling too exhausted to deal with her attitude.

"Do you guys mind giving me a minute?" Adelaide asked the two softly, wanting some time alone with her thoughts.

"Of course"

"Fine" The bushy-haired girl huffed once again before storming away, Ron following slowly behind after sending Adel another look of frustration.

Adelaide wandered off to the bridge where some of the lifeless giants remained, and even though the bodies of the dead were only a short distance away, she still found the view of the mountains and lake breathtaking. She pulled out a wand from her sleeve, the one she had won in her duel against Voldemort.

"Death, this is my gift to you. I don't think it's safe anymore" She called out, feeling rather foolish as she spoke to the deity that may or may not be real. With extra force, she broke the elder wand, also known as the most powerful wand to exist, against her leg before throwing it off the cliff, watching as it fell for miles.

"That was stupid" Adelaide spun around, coming face to face with Hermione who was holding her wand out in her direction.

"Mione? What are you doing?" She asked cautiously, feeling her heart clench painfully at the pure hatred in her best friend's eyes.

"It's always been you. The most loveable, the most wanted witch for wizards to date, the most liked by our professors, the most famous and the richest. I never had a chance! I was looked over by all the boys and professors, even Ron prefers you to me, even after the kiss we shared in the chamber! It's not fair, Adelaide! It wasn't meant to be like this, you were meant to die and stay dead! He told me you would stay dead!" She shouted hysterically, her eyes large and for a moment there was a craziness that Adelaide saw in only one person. Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Who told you I would be dead?" Adel questioned, her tone soft and calm in hopes it would make Hermione less hysterical.

"Dumbledore! He told me you would remain dead so I could take over the Potter vault! I deserve all the riches, I was the one who helped you through all the dangerous situations Dumbledore organised! If it wasn't for me, you and that-that tramp would be dead" Adelaide listened In utter disbelief at her words as she revealed not only her but Dumbledore's betrayal.

"Dumbledore organised everything? The stone? The chamber opening? Everything?" Hermione began to laugh hysterically, making Adel take a cautious step back.

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