Horrified Pure-Bloods

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It didn't take long for the small group to receive a response from their families, all agreeing to the meeting at Gringotts that Adelaide had already set up with Sharptooth for the next evening. As much as she hoped she was wrong, Adelaide was almost positive that at least half of her friends would find some sort of block or compulsion on them, maybe even their families too. She had always been protective of those she cared about and a lot of the time, the gesture was never returned but this time around it was different, it felt more tense and primal. She made the fearful decision that after the meeting at Gringotts, she would reveal everything about her past life to her closest friends under an oath to not be revealed to anyone else.

They spent the rest of their day trying their hardest not to think of what the outcome could be that evening, but as much as they tried, they couldn't for the life of them focus on their lessons. Professor McGonagall noticed their oddly quiet behaviour and after their second transfiguration lesson, she called them to stay behind.

"I must ask, are you all well? You seem rather quiet" She asked in a tone of concern and watched curiously as the six students exchanged looks she couldn't quite decipher.

"Minnie, we must ask you to keep this to yourself as we are concerned that the headmaster might try to keep them inside Hogwarts. Of course, he's unable to do so with me but...."

"I understand, Miss Potter-Black and not to worry, the headmaster will not be hearing of this but I must ask where it is you're going and what time we are expecting you back." Though Adelaide was hesitant to answer, she knew Minnie was trustworthy and from what she had seen so far, the older witch had clearly lost a lot of respect for the headmaster.

"There is a possibility that some of us have blocks, potions and charms placed on us, Adel thought it best we go to Gringotts to get checked" Neville spoke as he stepped forward and Minerva couldn't help but get teary-eyed when she saw a lot of Frank Longbottom in the boy.

She felt unnerved by the information and wondered if there was a way for everyone if not most of the students and staff can get tested. While they may not have said out loud who they suspected, she knew that Albus was the first on their list of suspects and something deep in her chest told her that Adelaide Potter-Black would not take kindly to those she's closest to being controlled and hurt.

"Very well, would you like to use the Floo in my office when you're ready?" Adelaide smiled warmly at the woman and nodded her head in acceptance, Minerva then sent them away for lunch.

"You better hope you haven't done what they think you have, Albus Dumbledore" She sighed, rubbing her temples before following the children out of the room to the great hall.

That evening, as all students began to make their way to their common rooms to settle in after a lovely feast, the group of six first-years followed Professor McGonagall towards her office where they had arranged to Floo to the Leaky Cauldron. It was decided that only the heads of the families would accompany the children to Gringotts and would bring their partners and other family members for an inheritance test on a separate day.

"You all know how to use the Floo, correct?" Professor McGonagall questioned as she picked up the pot of Floo Powder from above the fireplace. All five students nodded their heads, all except Adelaide had been using the Floo Network since they were children.

"Miss Potter-Black, perhaps you should go first and remember, speak loud and clearly" Adelaide stepped into the fireplace, taking a handful of powder before throwing it down by her feet as she shouted. "Leaky Cauldron!"

Adelaide stumbled out of the Floo slightly, huffing at the soot that covered her robes before vanishing the mess with a wave of her hand. A small chuckle alerted her of an audience and when looking up, she smiled sheepishly at the five adults that were looking at her in amusement.

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