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The time had come for her meeting with Ragnok and despite her family's weariness, Adelaide was confident that the king of the goblin nation would see the benefits in her plan. She Kindly rejected their offer to accompany her and flooed directly into the bank, which was only accessible to their highest clients. Adelaide, being named a friend of the Goblin nation was at the top of the list. B-lining straight to Ragnok's office, she lightly knocked on the door and entered once called.

"Ah, Good morning Adelaide. How are things? Still causing trouble?" Adelaide glared playfully at the goblin, who chuckled before gesturing for her to take a seat.

"You know I'm always well-behaved, Ragnok. How about you? Still intimidating your customers?" She teased with a grin, only to receive a feigned innocent shrug causing her to laugh.

"Now, what is it you called this meeting for? You know I'm a busy goblin" Adelaide scoffed lightly, knowing full well that Ragnok spent most of his time ordering others about. That's not to say that he wasn't an amazing leader because he truly was, but he had been the king of the Goblin nation for over a hundred and fifty years and trained his people well enough that he no longer had to watch over their every move.

"I have a plan, something that can benefit both of us," She said with a smirk, intriguing the goblin who sat forward slightly, resting his interlocked fingers on his desk.

"Do tell"

"On September 1st, I want you and a few of your best goblins to come to Hogwarts-" His eyebrows shot up slightly, not once had he been asked to enter the historic castle and was rather interested in her reasoning to do so. "I want every student and staff to be given an inheritance test. That way, we could find out if anyone has potions, blocks or compulsions in their systems but most importantly, we can see if any of the families that we think died out, have resurfaced"

Ragnok sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating her ingenious plan. It had a lot of benefits, not only would the new generation of witches and wizards be protected by Dumbledore's manipulations but he and his people could finally get the recognition they truly deserve. Besides, this meant that Gringotts would be getting more clients and the vaults that had been sealed would most likely be reopened, bringing in a lot of profit.

With a goblin-like smirk, Ragnok outstretched his hand and said "Deal"

"Fantastic" She giggled and shook his cold hand, both feeling the excitement and anticipation of what this plan could reveal and cause.


It was the day after and the school board meeting was to take place at the Ministry of Magic, and truth be told, Adelaide was feeling a little uneasy about it. She knew they looked to her for answers and she was indeed the only person who could make the final decisions seeing how Hogwarts was her home but that did not necessarily mean that she enjoyed being put in these situations. From what her Uncle Lucius had told her in his second letter, Dumbledore often arrived a few minutes later than everyone else which the Malfoy lord thought was only because he wanted to make a dramatic entrance. This meant she had only that time to explain to the other members of the board her decision about the inheritance tests.

"Are you ready, sweetheart?" Her papa questioned softly as he appeared behind her, smiling into the full-length mirror as Adelaide put her hair into a fishtail braid.

"As ready as I'll ever be" She sighed, somewhat dreading the meeting already. Luckily, her papa would be attending seeing how he had been invited to be part of the school board by her Gran and Uncle Lucius. He was never one for politics but knew that he could help his daughter's inevitable plans the most if he involved himself where the decisions were made.

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