"Oh! No, he's new"

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It had been a few days since they received their Hogwarts letters and the six children were waiting impatiently for the two older wizards to finish their breakfast. They were all already dressed and ready for their trip to Diagon Alley, looking forward to seeing first-hand something that occurred during Adelaide's first life, even if it had to do with Lockhart.

"Come on papa! Who eats a small bite of toast every five minutes!" Adelaide whined from her seat beside Sirius, who was hiding his amusement behind his slice of toast.

"Uncle Padfoot, don't you want to see Adel put Lockhart in his place" Neville questioned innocently, though they could all see the teasing in his eyes. Sirius paused mid-bite and looked over at Neville with a raised eyebrow, a look between fondness and pride in his eyes. They all knew Sirius Black would never turn down an opportunity to see someone humiliated, especially when they deserved it.

"You got me there, little flower. I think you've been spending too much time with us marauders" The group laughed as Neville grumbled under his breath, knowing that Sirius was using the little nickname he had given, to annoy him.

Both Sirius and Remus had spent a lot of time in the company of the six children, especially the day before during their time in muggle London. Both older wizards had learnt a lot about them, one being that Neville absolutely adored Herbology which he had most definitely inherited from his mother.

"Let's go!"

They arrived through the floo at the Leaky Cauldron one by one, instantly drawing the attention of those in the pub. Adelaide had gotten used to the looks, whispers and even the bows she received whenever she was in the magical world since her titles were revealed but felt sorry for the others who grew a little uncomfortable under all the stares.

"Come on threw everyone" Tom, the owner of the pub called out, seeing the young children's discomfort.

"Thank you, Tom"

Diagon Alley was just as bright and busy as it always was whenever it grew closer for students to leave for Hogwarts but it seemed there were a lot more people around that day.

"It's a little busy today, isn't it?" Draco commented as he looked around at the large groups of people walking up and down the Alley.

"Witches love Lockhart, don't ask me why" Adelaide shrugged before beginning to walk, the others staying close to her as they followed.

They first arrived at Madam Malkin's robe shop and much to the shock of the children, Sirius had asked Madam Malkin to measure them for brand-new clothes with comfortable but high-class fabric, their school robes included. Ron, who had not long ago taken his Lordship of the Ross family had offered to pay since he now had a bank vault filled with galleons but Sirius simply refused, explaining to the children that it was his treat.

An hour later, the group left the store with four new sets of school robes with a self-repair charm that would fix any little hole or burn along with Dragon hide boots that protected their feet from any harmful potions. They also bought ten pairs of winter clothes in different colours and ten pairs of summer clothes including shorts, vests, short-sleeved tops and in Adelaide's case, dresses and skirts. However, their favourite purchase was the identical customary leather jackets that were charmed to change colour when chosen and also to grow with the person as the years went on. On the back of the jackets were the words '𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰' with an outline of a stag underneath to represent James Potter, also known as Prongs.

The hours went by quickly and their new and improved trunks were much fuller than they had been when purchased, thankfully each trunk had a feather-light charm, an expansion charm and a very powerful locking charm that could only be opened either by their magical signature or to be allowed into the wards. Remus had brought Neville to Olivander's wand shop under Adelaide's demand, knowing that the wand he had been using did not work for him properly since it was his father's.

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