Mandrake and Pixies

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The second years were making their way down to the greenhouses for their first lesson on Herbology and as they arrived, the pack groaned at the familiar pompous figure conversing with Professor Sprout.

"Good morning everyone! Ah, there you are, Adelaide! Let's have a chat-" Lockheart went to grab Adelaide's arm but was intercepted by the pack, who moved in front of her with warning glares. Enzo looked between them and the professor with a confused frown, taking note to question them later.

"No," The young wizards said in unison, taking not only Lockheart by surprise by their reaction but also Professor Sprout and the students walking by.

"Come on boys, it's only a little chat between two celebrities" Lockheart chuckled nervously, putting on his usual charming smile as he looked over at Adelaide, who seemed extremely bored by his presence.

"Professor, I think these children should get inside. I would like to start my lesson" Professor Sprout spoke up sternly, though Adelaide noticed how she was eyeing her and her friends with obvious curiosity.

"Very well" The blonde wizard sighed disappointedly, looking over Adelaide one last time before walking away.

"Fucking bastard" Theo hissed as he watched Lockheart leave, not caring that their other professor was in earshot of them.

"Come on, boys. Let's go" Adelaide said softly, grabbing Neville and Blaise's hands, pulling them inside and giving Professor Sprout a smile on the way.

Adelaide decided to pair up with Seamus and Dean, two Gryffindor boys who were excited to be working alongside her. However, the two grew a little nervous when the pack took their stations around them and would eye them now and then. Adelaide noticed the pack's behaviour and pressed her lips together to hold back her amusement, she found them utterly adorable but she was also rather pleased that they were as protective of her as she was of them.

"I'm sorry about them, they are a little protective" She whispered to Seamus and Dean, who glanced at the pack and chuckled when they noticed the not-so-subtle glares aimed at them.

"It's alright, quite understandable" Dean responded, making Adelaide frown and tilt her head curiously. Seeing her reaction, the two Gryffindors chuckled.

"Adelaide, you're hot. So, they are going to be protective of you, it's only natural and will most likely get worse in the future" She raised an eyebrow at Seamus' response and a smirk formed on her face. Seamus, realising what he had said, diverted his eyes elsewhere as his cheeks became red from embarrassment.

"Well done mate" Dean whispered to his best friend, chuckling as he patted him on the shoulder. Seamus grumbled under his breath, nudging his friend in the side with his elbow before Professor Sprout gained their attention once again.

"Welcome to Greenhouse three, second years. Today, we will be re-potting mandrakes. Now, who here can tell me the properties of the mandrake? Miss Potter-Black" Adelaide could feel the heated glare burning at the back of her head, which has become a common occurrence whenever she gets picked over Granger.

"Mandrake, or mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it"

"Excellent! Ten points to you, Miss Potter-Black. As our mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won't kill yet. However, they will knock you out for several hours. That is why I have provided you with earmuffs"

The students reach the middle of the table to collect a pair of earmuffs, Adelaide giggled under her breath when she noticed Ron frowning at a pink pair that had been left for him. With a small grumble, he slipped them on his head.

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