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Adelaide was excited for her first Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Despite feeling that Hagrid might not be the best person to teach the lesson due to his lack of acknowledgement when it came to how dangerous the creatures truly can be, she couldn't deny that he was knowledgeable in the subject. Yesterday's rain had cleared; the sky was a clear, pale grey, and the grass was damp underneath their feet as they set off towards his hut at the edge of the forbidden forest. She was happy that Gryffindor and Slytherin had the class together, though that meant the pack had to deal with Granger for the hour.

Hagrid was waiting for his class at the door of his hut. He stood in his moleskin overcoat, with Fang the boarhound at his heel, looking impatient to start. A bright smile appeared on his hairy face the moment he saw Adelaide, though he eyes the Slytherins beside her cautiously.

"C'mon, now, get a move on!" He called out as the class approached. "Got a real treat for yeh today! Great lesson comin' up! Everyone here? Right, follow me!" Some exchanged nervous and weary looks, thinking Hagrid was leading them into the forbidden forest, however, he strolled off around the edge of the trees, and five minutes later, they found themselves outside a kind of paddock.

"Everyone gather 'round the fence here! That's it— make sure yeh can see— now, the first thing you'll want to do is open ye books-"

"How?" said the whiny voice of Hermione Granger, eyeing the large book in hand cautiously which was bound by a rope.


"How do we open the books?" She repeated in a drawling voice, looking between the monster book and Hagrid with clear disgust.

Before Hagrid could respond, Draco responded as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You have to stroke the spine, of course"

Granger's head snapped towards them, her mouth falling open only slightly as she noticed the pack's books open and ready. They could see the clear annoyance and jealousy in her eyes as she let out a huff and turned her head up at them. Hagrid smiled gratefully at the group but felt slightly crestfallen that no one else was able to do so.

"Her nose will be stuck in the air if she carries on with that bullshit" Neville scoffs as he whispered low enough for the pack to hear, receiving agreeable nods and snickers.

"Righ' then. So—so you've got ye books an—an now ye need the magical creature. Yeah, I'll go and get 'em. Hang on..." Adelaide watches sympathetically as Hagrid strolls away, knowing how devastated he had been the last time around with how poorly the lesson had been. Luckily, Draco wasn't the arrogant, selfish person he had been before and would not be the one to end up hurt in the end.

"Ooooooooh!" An excited squeal caught their attention, a bright smile forming on Adelaide's face as she noticed Hagrid walking back towards them with Buckbeak in tow.

"Hippogriffs!" Hagrid roared happily. "Beautiful, aren't they?" They could all sort of understand what Hagrid meant. Once you get over the first shock of seeing something that's half horse, half eagle, you start to appreciate the hippogriff's gleaming coat, changing smoothly from feather to hair, the colour of stormy grey.

"So, if yeh want to come a bit nearer-" No one seemed to want to, but with a nod from Adelaide, she and the pack approached the fence.

Hagrid began to explain to the class that Hippogriffs were proud creatures and easily offended, making them react badly and dangerous if insulted. He explained the correct way to approach one, having to bow and wait to see if the creature responds in the same way.

"Right... who wants to go first?" Everyone exchanged weary looks, not attempting to step closer to the creature. Seeing the look in Hagrid's eyes, Adelaide shook her head and stepped forward, gaining a beaming smile from the half-giant. "Good girl, Adelaide!"

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