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The courtroom grew silent at Dumbledore's demand, his tone colder than ever heard before. This, however, did not seem to bother Adelaide in the slightest, instead, a small laugh could be heard from the young girl which caught everyone by surprise.

"And who are you to make demands?" She questions with her arms folded over her chest, her eyebrow quirked in a challenging manner.

"I'm Albus Dumbledore-"

"That name means nothing to me, Mr Dumbledore. It would have if when my parents had been murdered, I remained in the magical world but instead, I was left on my muggle family's doorstep. You don't happen to know anything about that, do you, Mr Dumbledore?" Dumbledore visibly paled and his right hand twitched, indicating that he was close to raising his wand.

"It was for the greater good-"

"Ah yes, the so-called greater good. Wasn't that the same phrase that Gellert Grindelwald used when he was the dark lord?" Whispers could be heard around the room but Adelaide's eyes did not waver from Dumbledore's. It was then, that she felt her mental barriers being poked, making her glare hatefully at the older wizard as she pushed against his attack aggressively, making him fall back into his seat.

"You dare try to read my mind?!" She growled, her magic releasing slowly which made the air grow extremely cold.

"He what!" Sirius jumped up, his body tense as he glared at Dumbledore, who was trying to regulate his breathing.

"Lady Potter-Black, do you want to reveal your titles or would you rather it be a secret?" Amelia called out, hoping to calm the tense atmosphere. Father and daughter reluctantly looked away from the winded headmaster and turned towards Amelia, who was looking at the both of them with a small and barely noticeable smile.

"Reveal the titles, little one. It will show the magical world that you aren't to be messed with" Mortem's voice echoed through her mind, making her smile softly at the comfort it gives her.

"You may reveal it, Madam Bones" With a firm nod, Madam Bones raised from her seat which made the entire room focus on her.

"On this day, we are blessed to be in the presence of an extremely powerful witch. As you all know, an inheritance test at Gringotts Bank is 100% accurate and can not be forged. Now, Lady Potter-Black's inheritance test shows two titles, one that we believed was anything but a legend and the other, that has only been seen once in all of magical history. We at the ministry, recognise Lady Potter-Black as the mistress of death and Lady Magic's chosen-" Shouts and gasps erupted through the entire room, people staring down at her in fear whilst others looked as though the new coming of Merlin himself was standing before them.

"SILENCE!" Her voice echoed, startling everyone in the courtroom, seeing Madam Bones' glare made everyone settle back into their seats.

"Now, does anyone have any questions?" Hands raised almost immediately, making Adelaide laugh under her breath. She grew tired of standing and so, with a wave of her hand, a chair appeared beside her father who smiled proudly as she approached.

"You thirsty again, Papa?"

"No, I'm okay for now sweetheart" Adel sent him a small smile and grabbed his hand softly, placing it in her lap.

"Yes, Lady Longbottom?" Adelaide turned towards her Gran, who stood from her seat and smiled softly down at the powerful young girl.

"What does Lady Magic's chosen entail?"

"It means that everything I do, whether it is illegal or not, cannot result in my arrest as everything I do, is in the name of Lady Magic herself. I am the balance that the magic world needs, I am light, grey and dark magic all in one, every magical creature and every magical witch and wizard is the same in the eyes of Lady Magic-" The courtroom looked down at the beautiful young witch in amazement, the dark faction feeling as though they will be able to be themselves and not hide away their magic in fear of being arrested or hunted down.

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