Granger's boggart.

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Adelaide had a hard time getting up the next morning, as she was comfortable and warm in Ron's embrace. Neville spent at least twenty minutes trying to wake them up, finally succeeding after informing them that they'd miss breakfast. After getting dressed quickly, the three of them went downstairs and found the twins and Lee on the couches, all jumping up as soon as they arrived. Adelaide was the first to notice the frustrated look in Fred's eyes.

"What happened, Freddie?" She questioned softly as she approached the tall redhead, who immediately pulled her into his arms and nuzzled his face in her neck.

"Granger-" George spoke out for his twin, his tone filled with anger. "She's been trying to flirt with Freddie, horribly may I add" Adelaide groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose, already knowing that Granger was going to test her patience that day.

"Let's try to avoid her as much as possible today, alright" They all nodded and the small group left the common room to venture down to the great hall for breakfast. Adelaide was placed in between the twins, the two rambling on about all the prank ideas they were excited to try out, and at some point, her hands had ended up in theirs as they swung them back and forth.

"Lookey here, Granger doesn't look happy" Lee commented with a chuckle as they walked into the great hall. The small group looked over to the Gryffindor table to see Granger glaring viciously in their direction, more specifically, Adelaide's. With a smirk, the immortal witch raised on her tiptoes and placed a lingering kiss on Fred's cheek, her eyes not once leaving the bushy-haired witch.

"Cheeky Minx," said Ron quietly, a grin on his face as he grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the Slytherin table where the rest of the pack sat, leaving a red-faced Fred frozen in the doorway.

"Hello, my darlings" Adelaide greeted the pack cheerfully, earning bright smiles from not only them but also some of the older snakes that were sitting close by.

"Adel! Quidditch trials are next week, you'll come to watch, right?" Adelaide smiled at her cousin's hope-filled grey eyes with a bright and genuine smile on his face.

"Of course, Dragon. I would never miss your tryouts" Draco beamed even brighter and hopped off his seat, rushing further down the table to Marcus, who was the Slytherin Quidditch captain. Adelaide couldn't help but laugh as she watched her cousin point over at her, resulting in the team smiling in her direction.

"Ever thought of trying out?" Neville questioned his sister as he placed some bacon and eggs on her plate.

"I love flying but it wouldn't be fair for the other teams, I much rather watch" Those in the pack who play Quidditch pouted, having hoped that she'd consider trying out for their specific teams.

"Look! Owls are here" Ron said as he looked up, watching as hundreds of owls swarmed into the great hall. Adelaide immediately spotted her papa's owl, drifting through the air towards her along with Hedwig.

"Hello, you two" She cooed as she stroked their feathers, smiling as they both nipped her finger affectionately. Adelaide removed the note from the owl before handing them both some bacon.

Hey, pup!
We missed you so much! I hope you're causing some mischief, you gotta keep the marauder's legacy Alive! I'm fine, by the way, I know you worry but there's no need and your uncles are... well they're your uncles. They're still bickering and bonding over books, how boring! Anyway, older Barbie has arranged a meeting with the wizengamot so you can declare the pack an organisation. Fudge hasn't a clue you are involved, Blondie made up some excuse for the session so it'll be a delightful surprise. I'm not sure if you're planning on bringing the pack with you but I think it would be a good idea. Also, Reggie, Moony and I have spoken to the other parents, some took some convincing but they all agreed with the mark. Well... not Parkinson but what could he do about it? Anyway, the meeting will be on October 3rd, so look pretty and bring your A-game!
We love you loads!

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