Spreading the word

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September 1st came a lot sooner than they all expected but the group of six were thrilled to be returning. However, Adelaide was a little weary of what this year could bring because even though she knew Tom Riddles' diary no longer existed, it didn't mean similar events wouldn't occur. Dumbledore had still brought the stone to Hogwarts in hopes of not only testing Adelaide but also luring Voldemort out, even though the dark wizard was not able to return under any circumstances. It proved to her that the old wizard was in complete denial and was set in his ways of manipulation and control.

"Remind me, what happened in the second year again?" Blaise questioned as they settled into the carriage on the Hogwarts Express.

"Uncle Lucius dropped one of Voldy's Horcruxs' into Ginny's cauldron. It possessed her and forced her into opening the chamber of secrets where the basilisk was roaming around, petrifying students" Stunned silence filled the room, the boys staring wide-eyed and pale. Draco once again felt ashamed that his family was somehow involved in his cousin's troubled past, but this time he felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.

"M-My father-"

"Dray, don't forget that your father was under compulsions and blocks. It wasn't his fault" She reassured in a soothing tone, taking his hands in hers and squeezing them. She could see the emotions swirling in his grey eyes and her heart genuinely hurt whenever he or any of the others were upset.

"Draco, I don't blame you either. Whatever occurred doesn't matter anymore and if something happens this time around, then we'll sort it out, together" Draco looked over at Ron with a watery smile and in one quick movement, the blonde jumped onto the redhead. "Oi! You crazy bugger"

"Give me some affection, Ron!" Draco laughed as he continued to hug Ron, both ending up on the floor as they wrestled.

"You both are crazy buggers" Adelaide giggled along with the others, who were laughing hysterically and betting on who would overpower the other. "Get off the floor! You'll get your jackets dirty!"

The pair immediately jumped up, trying their hardest to rub off the dust from their matching marauder leather jacket. The boys had decided to keep their jackets black whilst Adelaide changed hers to blood red, making her stand out against them.

"Before we arrive at Hogwarts, there are a few things we need to talk about. First, we need to spend more time in the common rooms, I'm the heiress of Hogwarts and I need to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable, especially the first years. Since you guys are my pack, I'm hoping you will take some of the responsibility too-" The boys nodded with reassuring smiles, knowing how much Hogwarts and its students meant to Adelaide. "There are two first years I want everyone to look after. One is Ginny, of course, but the other is Luna Lovegood who was sorted into Ravenclaw. She was bullied horribly by the witches in her house and though she may seem a little... odd, it's because people don't understand her and her abilities"

"Wait, isn't Luna Lovegood the girl that lives near me and my family?" Ron questioned, memories of a blonde girl picking flowers and humming to herself came to his mind.

"Yes, that's her. You see, she's a seer but uses rare magical creatures to somewhat explain what she sees" Their eyes widened in shock, never personally knowing a seer nor knowing that the Lovegood family bloodline had seers in their ancestory.

"Don't worry, Amore, we'll keep an eye on her" Theo reassured with a smile, earning a soft thankful look from Adelaide.

"I'll be right back, and if I see Enzo on the way, I'll bring him here" The boys nodded as Adelaide made her way out of their compartment.

She moved through the corridors, smiling and greeting those who stopped to say hello. Suddenly, she bumped into something hard and stumbled back as she rubbed her sore nose.

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