Ghosts from the past

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The trio stood with their wands out in alarm, only to be frozen in absolute shock at the sight of the ghosts of James and Lily Potter, a beautiful white glow surrounding the married couple with a wide smile on their faces.

"P-Prongs? Lils?"

"Hey, Pads, you're looking old" James chuckled, however, his face softened slightly as he noticed the tears pouring from the trio's faces.

"H-How are you here?" Adelaide whispered, too shocked to speak clearly. Her mother immediately stepped forward and slowly ran her finger down her daughter's face, a gasp leaving the younger witch's lips as she felt the touch. "I can feel you"

"Of course, you can, sweetheart. You're the mistress of death... necromancy comes naturally to you. As to how we are here, well... Mortem allowed us to speak to you all for a little while. My darling, me and your father are extremely proud of the witch you have become, you're so strong and brave. You're right though, Dumbledore is someone you need to be wary of"

"We've been keeping an eye on him, he's not happy with your titles and is under the impression that he can somehow take them for himself. Of course, we know it's impossible but he doesn't and that makes him dangerous. Be careful, my baby Bambi" Adelaide let out a small but audible growl, making her parents let out a knowing laugh before James placed a kiss on her cheek. "Our feisty little wolf"

"Remus! Looking as handsome as ever, I'm surprised you haven't got yourself a witch or wizard yet! Oh, maybe a harem! You know how much James' ancestors enjoy having many partners" Remus stared wide-eyed at the laughing witch, his cheeks bright red from embarrassment. Sirius and James chuckle in amusement whilst Adelaide looks between the four in confusion.

"What's a Harem?" Sirius and Remus freeze, staring down at Adelaide like a deer caught in headlights whilst James and Lily's laughter increases.

"Uh-Well..." Sirius looks at Lily with pleading eyes, hoping that it would be her who'll explain to their daughter.

"Fine, fine! A harem is when a group of females share one man, mostly as romantic partners" Adelaide stood with a small frown, wondering how that situation would work but decided that if everyone was happy and comfortable then who was she to question their decisions. However, she did wonder about something else and decided to ask her mother.

"Right... so what do you call a group of men who share one female?" Sirius and Remus turn to one another with wide panicked eyes, both thinking that if Adelaide were to take that particular path, they would know exactly who the gentlemen would be.

"Reverse Harem, I presume"

"What did you mean by our ancestors enjoying harems?" James cleared his throat, deciding to take over since he knew more about his ancestor's exotic relationship status'.

"Well... as you know, we're linked with the Peverell family and it was Wilfred Potter who decided to create a harem. Penelope Peverell was one of six witches who had decided to join, but only three of the women were able to get pregnant and somewhere down the line, the Potter family were either killed off or were only able to conceive one or two children. Leaving you, the last Potter until a time when you have children... though, it's your decision if Potter was included in their name or not" Adelaide had sat on the grass during her father's explanation and remained silent as she thought over the benefits of a Reverse Harem.

"You're twelve years old, Adelaide Bella! You will not be thinking about relationships, let alone Reverse fucking Harems!" Remus lectured, his eyes pleading for his cub to say she wouldn't be getting into a relationship until she was at least thirty.

"Remus John Lupin! My daughter is a beautiful and powerful witch, and if she wants a fucking Reverse Harem, then that is what she shall have!" Remus' mouth opened and closed but couldn't form any words, he was consumed by shock at not only Lily cursing at him but at how carefree she was about such a topic. He turned to James, hoping that he would at least have something to say about it, only to find the messy-haired wizard smiling dreamily down at his wife.

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