Jealousy and decisions

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Hermione Granger thought her life at Hogwarts would be adventurous and allow her to show her brilliance and intellect, that's what the headmaster promised her after all and she had full trust and faith in the older wizard. Unfortunately, things weren't going according to plan and even though the secret vault that the headmaster had set up for her was still being added to each year, his promise of ancient books and grimoires from the Potter vault was not being provided and that's what was causing her frustration. She suspected that the headmaster was providing the Galleons from his vault or perhaps whoever else he had access to but didn't dare question him. He was the most powerful wizard since Merlin, who was she to ask such personal questions?

Adelaide Potter was nothing like Dumbledore had said she would be, she wasn't naive, meekly or desperate for affection, instead, she was powerful, confident and surrounded by some of the most popular and good-looking wizards she had ever seen. It angered her beyond belief. Who was Potter to have everything whilst she, Hermione Jean Granger was being treated like an inconvenience and remained friendless?

She knew Potter was a powerful witch with more than she deserved, especially with all those prestigious ladyships she had and the two rare titles that had made her untouchable in the hands of the ministry. What made her even more angry, however, was the clear friendship she had with the goblin nation. She had read all about them and how much of an honour it was to be labelled as goblin friend, especially as they highly disliked witches and wizards as a whole. How did Potter do it? Is it because of her titles as mistress of death and Lady Magic's chosen? Hermione had tried to research what those two titles meant but came to a dead end at every try. She had asked the headmaster but she found that the topic was a sore spot for the wizard and decided against questioning him for a second time. She only managed to get some information from the gossip she overheard in her dorm. Lavender and Parvati were well known for being the gossip queens, always knowing secrets that others thought were well hidden but Hermione didn't bother listening to the majority of what they said since she thought their conversations were mostly based on rumours. However, when it came to Adelaide Potter and her so-called pack, she couldn't help but absorb all the information like a sponge.

Hermione didn't know how to react when at least thirty-five to forty goblins entered the great hall followed by three handsome wizards. She instantly saw how nervous they made the headmaster which got her wondering how powerful said men were, only to find out that they were related to Potter. Once again, she was filled with annoyance and jealousy— why did Potter get to have such a well-known and powerful family whilst she was stuck with Muggles? Sure, she loved her parents but they couldn't provide her with the lifestyle she desperately wanted, Hermione needed riches, and she needed to have the power to influence others to follow her and Dumbledore's ideals. She desperately craved the attention that Adelaide Potter got but was confident that one day she would be the one everyone wanted.

She had watched Potter stroll into the great hall as if she owned the place, which according to a lot of people, she did but the headmaster reassured her that, that wasn't the case and he would remain in control over the castle and everyone in it until his death. Potter then demanded that everyone get an inheritance test, leaving Hermione both confused and cautious because she could see the panic in the headmaster's eyes. At first, she refused but the goblins were extremely intimidating and made her feel so small and unimportant, that tears immediately sprung to her eyes in fear from their glares.

She had overheard and watched many known muggle-borns receiving theirs, only to find out that they were from old pureblood families and ended up leaving their seats with a vault full of prestigious assets and a head family ring. This made Hermione both envious and excited. She desperately wanted to be like them, to have vaults full of untold Galleons, old but expensive jewellery and several books at her disposal.

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