Sleepless nights and reunite

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Three days went by and yet, Adelaide's papa still had not gotten over what had occurred during the school board meeting. He had always been proud of his daughter but the way she handled the situation was both awe-inspiring and thrilling, and he had never been prouder. Dumbledore would not give up until Adelaide was under his thumb and though Sirius knew that she wouldn't fall for such manipulations, he still worried about what type of plans the older wizard had for his beloved daughter. He had spent sleepless nights going over the worst possible scenarios and as much as he tried to hide the bags and heavy eyes, his family could spot it from a mile away.

It was his brother who had cornered him one evening, having spent a few hours in silence with a bottle of half-drunken firewhiskey in hand and demanded an explanation for his exhaustion. At first, he tried to play it off as nightmares, which weren't exactly a lie since he did suffer with them on occasion but Regulus knew him better than most. Sirius had given in, explaining to his brother all his worries and felt much lighter afterwards.

"Then we do something about it. Adelaide has already spoken about owling the ministry about making the pack an organisation. I guess she just hasn't had the time to complete it" He murmured the last part of his sentence, knowing the last week or so has been a lot for his niece and has tried to be there for her as much as possible.

"Maybe we should write it..." Regulus immediately rejected that idea, knowing how Adelaide got when certain things went against her plans.

She was rather organised and timed everything precisely, which is why when the family of four woke the next morning, they found Adelaide sitting at the dining table for breakfast with a large smirk. Feeling a little uneasy, it was Remus who approached his niece and questioned her.

"Why don't you take a look at the Prophet" She suggested, nodding towards the paper that was laid in the middle of the table. The three grown wizards exchanged a look before Sirius picked it up and placed it in between them, allowing all three to see clearly.

The front page showed a picture of Adelaide with a large heading that read 'The chosen one, abused by muggle relatives'. It was two whole pages of Rita Skeeter explaining all the horrific abuse Adelaide had experienced, stating clearly that the information had been provided by the young witch herself. Remus, Sirius and Regulus were left in utter disbelief, knowing full well that this article was going to cause quite a stir in the wizarding world and create a lot of problems for Dumbledore seeing how Rita had revealed the old wizard's part in her neglect, especially with being her magical guardian at one point.

"He's going to die of a heart attack" Sirius cackled, earning a horrified look from his brother who had heard such a laugh from his more unhinged relatives.

"Calm down, Padfoot. You sound like Bellatrix- Remus scolded before turning to Adelaide, whose focus was on her breakfast with a peaceful smile on her face. "You do love to cause some chaos, don't you cub"

She shrugged her shoulders with the most innocent smile she could muster, setting her papa off once again as he expressed through his hysterical laughter how proud he was of her. Regulus and Remus couldn't help but chuckle, the werewolf seeing more of Lily's vinctitivness in the thirteen-year-old the older she gets.

Looking at the time, Regulus subtly looked towards the other two men and nodded towards his watch, gaining a knowing look from them. Sirius cleared his throat, gaining his daughter's attention. "Why don't you go study for a little while, we don't have to leave for another few hours"

"Sure" She shrugged before kissing the three men on the cheek and leaving the dining room.

"The Weasleys and Neville will meet us at the Leaky, lord Nott and Lucius will be arriving with the others in about ten minutes" Regulus explained, smiling at Walter the house elf as he began cleaning the table.

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