What a crazy day...

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Adelaide was half asleep and rolled over in her large comfortable bed, snuggling against what she thought was a pillow. However, after a few moments, she began to realize that there was something rather human-like about this supposed pillow. She slowly opened her eyes and raised her head slightly, blinking to clear away the blurriness. Suddenly, the "pillow" let out a deep and familiar chuckle, freezing Adelaide in place.

"Morning sunshine" Her eyes widened and she jumped up, staring in complete bafflement as Mortem smirked at her messy bed hair and heavy eyes.

"what the fuck are you doing in my bed, Mort?" She hissed, her green eyes narrowed in his direction. The deity chuckled and raised himself slightly to sit against the headboard and that's when Adelaide realised that instead of his usual muggle suit, he was wearing black jeans and a tight black short-sleeved t-shirt that clung to his muscles.

"I can't come to see my favourite witch?" He questioned teasingly, poking her on the nose which resulted in his hand being slapped away, her glare intensifying.

"No" She deadpanned, earning another chuckle from the deity. "This is no laughing matter, Mortem! You should know by now that I don't take being woken up well"

Mortem found her anger downright adorable, though if he was being completely truthful he found her adorable the majority of the time but there was something about her anger that made him want to coo.

"I apologise, little love. I've realised that we haven't spent much time together since your return, thought it would be nice to do something together" The moodiness vanished almost immediately and was replaced with excitement, a large smile forming on her face as she raised to her knees.

"Fuck yeah! Where are we going?"

"Well... we can go visit a few of your properties, i'm interested to see them," Adelaide thought for a moment before nodding, equally as curious about what each of her properties looks like and what they hold.

"Sure! I'll grab my list and get ready, go talk to my Papa and Uncles for a while" She shooed him out of the room, his deep laughter echoing through the manor corridors as he wandered downstairs.

Adelaide got into the shower and used a special charm to remove all unwanted hair from her body. After washing her long locks, she used a drying charm for her hair and body. She then picked out some black jean shorts, one of her Uncle Reggie's shirts that fell to her mid-thigh, and ankle boots. Adelaide tied her hair in a high ponytail and left a few pieces to frame her face. Since it was still sunny outside, she put on her sunglasses before heading out.

"Good morning, cub" Remus greeted as he approached from the kitchen, placing a kiss on her forehead before retaking his spot at the dining table for breakfast.

"Good morning everyone. Mort and I are going out for the day, should be home before dinner" Her papa and Uncles looked between her and the deity with questionable and wary expressions, making her sigh.

"I can assure you, nothing will happen to my mistress whilst I'm around" Mortem reassured with a serious look, something in his eyes daring anyone to question his devotion to his darling mistress.

"Alright... but where are you two going?"

"Visiting my properties, I want to see what they have inside. Plus, maybe sometime we could all go on a vacation to one of them" She responded excitedly, making all four men smile.

"That's a good idea. Well... enjoy yourself" Adelaide giggled at the awkward smile her Uncle Reggie sent to Mortem, who smirked and nodded.

The first property they visited was the Potter villa in Santorini Greece, a beautiful open plan with a combination of blue and white colours with its very own swimming pool. There were around seven bedrooms that weren't too large but most definitely big enough for comfort.

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