Dementors at the tryouts

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The Wizengamot session made the front page of the Daily Prophet the next morning. The picture of the pack, with their wands, pointed directly at Albus Dumbledore, was the main topic of conversation at breakfast all around magical Britain. The pack, minus Fred and George, decided to have their meal in the kitchens to avoid the looks and whispers. The session at the Ministry had worn them out but they knew they couldn't avoid lessons like they wanted.

"What times are the tryouts?" Adelaide asked her cousin as she placed her empty cup on the table, smiling at one of the house elves who immediately took it away.

"Hm? Oh, during the break" He responded absently, his eyes not once moving from the book in his hands. Adelaide shook her head with a smile, deciding to leave him to it and instead, looked to her left only to find Enzo already looking at her, his chin resting on his fist with his elbow on the wooden table.

"There something on my face, Enz?" Enzo shook his head, a smile appearing on his face that revealed a slight simple on his right cheek. His brown eyes were warm, as though he was looking at something delicately beautiful.

"He's just admiring the view, mamas" Blaise commented with a cheeky wink, grinning as those around them laughed. Enzo nodded silently, his eyes remaining fixated on her face.

Adelaide raised her eyebrow and couldn't keep the smile off her face. "Hm, you lot seem to 'admire the view' quite often," She said in a teasing tone, letting out a small laugh as all but her cousin, brother and three females of the pack nodded with shrugs.

"Mistress and pack must be getting to lesson now!" A younger-looking house elf said frantically as he approached, snatching the goblet out of Theo's hand and causing the boy to gape in shock.

"Double Transfiguration... kill me now"

The next two hours went by slowly but Professor McGonagall was in a surprisingly good mood, allowing the class to work whilst freely talking with one another. Of course, the pack felt a certain glare aimed in their direction for the majority of their lesson but had tried their best to ignore it. However, now it was time for Draco to try out for the Slytherin Quidditch team and as promised, Adelaide had decided to tag along to watch. She was accompanied by Blaise and Theo whilst the others went on to the great hall for lunch. The trio were relaxing on the side of the pitch, sitting huddled together to help with the cold weather.

"I hope he's grateful for this, it's fucking freezing" Theo groaned as he rubbed his hands together, regretting not bringing out his gloves and scarf.

"Merlin, you are always complaining," said Blaise with a chuckle, his head laid on Adelaide's shoulder who was currently sitting between the two wizards.

"How are you not complaining!? I feel like my balls are going to freeze off" Adelaide snorted in amusement, shaking her head at her two friend's dramatics. With a wave of her hand, she placed a warming charm on all three of them, goosebumps appearing on her skin from the sudden temperature change. She smiled lightly as she heard the two sigh in relief, their bodies relaxing but remaining huddled into her.

"Thank you, gorgeous," said Blaise gratefully, placing a kiss on her cheek, receiving a smile
From the witch.

"Oh, look! There's blondie" Theo pointed out, making Adelaide and Blaise look over in the direction where Draco was currently walking with a Quidditch uniform on.

"Woop! Go Dray!" Adelaide called out with a bright smile and waved wildly as her cousin turned to look in their direction. Blaise and Theo laughed when they saw the embarrassed blush on Draco's face. The two decided to copy their alpha's actions, only to receive the middle finger from the Malfoy heir.

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