The start of summer break

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After the cleansing and acceptance of heir rings, they all felt more protected and relieved, knowing that Dumbledore could no longer control them, Though, he had tried on many occasions. One of the many benefits of accepting the family rings is that they can detect when harmful potions, compulsions or charms are putting them at risk.

As time drew closer for the Hogwarts students to return home for the summer, Adelaide began to feel a little uneasy leaving the castle under the watchful eye of Dumbledore. However, it was time for her to return to Potter Manor for the first time since her birth, along with her Papa and Uncle Moony, who hadn't seen the property since Adelaide's parents moved to Godrics Hollow.

"Del? You in there?" Adelaide popped her head out of her bedroom door and smiled when she noticed Ron standing by the entrance, along with Neville. The Slytherin boys had left their packing to the last minute and much to her surprise, Neville had managed to convince Ron to pack his belongings a few days before.

"I'm in here boys" They smiled at her and followed her back into her room where her trunk was sitting on her bed, wide open.

"You too, Adel" Neville sighed at the sight of her half-full case. Adelaide turned to her brother and smiled sheepishly, giving him a small shrug whilst Ron chuckled as he lay flat on the empty part of her bed.

"The train leaves in an hour, Bella," Ron said in a feigned stern tone, wiggling his finger in her direction.

"Oh hush you" She giggled, throwing a pair of rolled-up socks at him, which struck him on his cheek.

"They better be clean" He warned, sending her a half-hearted glare as he tossed the socks back at her. She lifted them to her nose, taking a small sniff, smelling the flowery scent of the elves washing, making her grin at him with a nod.

"I'm almost done, Nev" She reassured him when he began folding her clothes in a hurrying manner.

"Why aren't you using magic?" Ron questioned as he stared up at the ceiling which was charmed to show little twinkling stars. She paused her movement, staring blankly at her case before groaning, not knowing why she was packing in the muggle way. With a wave of her hand, her clothes and items began to sort themselves out and enter her trunk neatly.

"What would I do without you, Ronnie" She sighed as she flopped down beside him.

"Probably be late for the train" He responded with a chuckle as he manoeuvred to lay his head on her stomach, her hands immediately moving to his hair where she started running her fingers through it.

It wasn't long until Blaise, Theo and Draco joined them in her room with their trunks sitting by the door. They all greeted the witch with a kiss on her forehead before they all decided to go down to the great hall for breakfast, knowing they'd most likely be hungry on the journey otherwise. They had agreed to sit at the Gryffindor table and joined the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan.

"What's wrong, Freddie?" Adelaide asked softly when she noticed his face was absent of his usual bright smile.

The red-haired wizard turned his whole body towards her and placed a dramatic pout on his lips, making those around them look on in amusement.

"You will visit, won't you?" She raised an eyebrow and glanced over at his twin, George, whose lips were pursed to stop himself from laughing.

Adelaide decided to play along and placed her hand over her chest with the best puppy dog eyes she could create. "How could I stay away from my favourite twins"

Bright smiles appeared on Fred and George's faces, making those around them, including Adelaide, laugh. Fred wrapped an arm around Adelaide's shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead as she snuggled into his side with a giggle.

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