Dark research

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Sirius Black had never been one to think things through before taking action, a behaviour that was often related to those who belonged in Gryffindor. However, ever since Azkaban and having his daughter back in his life, Sirius knew that his actions could not only put himself in danger but most importantly his darling daughter, who was no longer the little pup he had spent hours holding in his arms.

The news of her death and return to the past was hard to digest, making him feel like a complete failure because not only did he spend only a few years back in her life and during that time, was still a fugitive, but he also couldn't protect her from the harm that soon followed after. This time, he swore to behave in a way that would make her proud and it so happens, to do that he would have to change the reputation of the black family into one that was not only respected but honest and neutral.

The first wizengamot meeting was boring, to say the least, but he had attended not only to represent the House of black but also the House of Potter, Peverell, Slytherin and Gryffindor, with his daughter's permission, of course. Sirius wasn't ashamed to admit that he spent the majority of the meeting observing Dumbledore's behaviour, and it was disheartening to see that the once respectable 'light' wizard was no longer the man he thought he was. He could see the anger in the old man's eyes the moment Sirius declared the multiple Houses he was representing, neutral, which came as a shock seeing how the Potters and Gryffindors had always been part of the 'light' faction.

Sirius made sure to inform his daughter of how the meeting went later that evening by mirror call and was beaming in pride at how happy his daughter seemed. However, Adelaide had to remind both him and Remus about the little project involving people being petrified. The older marauders had spent days in the Potter Library, reading as many books as they could that mentioned anything to do with someone being petrified or anything similar.

"This is bullshit!" Remus huffed as he slammed a large book down onto the table, making Sirius jump from his slumped position. Remus narrowed his eyes at his droopy-eyed friend. "Were you sleeping?"

"Sleeping?-" Sirius cleared his throat as his voice came out croaky. "Sleeping? Come on Moony, don't ya trust me?"

"Those eyes don't work on me, pads" Remus chuckled at his friend's failed attempt at using 'puppy dog' eyes, which had been something that the dog Animagus had been using since their Hogwarts days.

Sirius Pouted before it morphed into a more serious expression. "There is nothing here, Moons. What are we going to do? My daughter and those other little troublemakers are stuck in that school with someone who's clearly using dark magic-" Remus' eyes widened, triumph filling his hazel orbs.

"That's it!" Sirius' head tilted slightly in confusion, watching as his brother in all but blood began placing books back on the shelves, making the Black Lord wonder why his wizard friend wasn't using magic.

"Are you going to explain or...?"

"The Potters were part of the light faction before you turned them neutral but as you said, there is clearly more darker magic at play here. So, of course, we couldn't find anything in this library" Sirius immediately jumped off his seat with a bright smile before rushing towards his friend and jumping into his arms with excited laughter.

"You're a genius, Remus Lupin!" Remus huffed out a laugh and nudged his friend away slightly, resulting in Sirius tripping over his own feet and falling to the floor.

"Clumsy mutt" Remus chuckled and walked out of the room, ignoring the whining calls from Sirius.

A few hours later, the older marauders apparated outside of Sirius' childhood home, and an air of apprehension settled between them as Remus knew the bad memories that the Black family home brought his best friend. The werewolf glanced at his friend, sighing at the disgusted look on his face as he stared up at the building.

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