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Adelaide spent the next few weeks with her cousin, Dora whenever she had time off from the ministry. The two became extremely close and it was the older witch who introduced Adelaide to vinyl records where they would spend hours dancing and singing along to both muggle and magical songs. Seeing how much Adel loved music, her papa had wandered into muggle London and bought his daughter a Walkman, and had managed to use Runes (with the help of moony) to allow it to work with magic rather than batteries.

Adelaide had spent most of her time with her headphones in, dancing around the house as she did her day-to-day activities and all her family could do was watch with large smiles on their faces. It was during one of these times that Sirius, Remus and Regulus realised that she was an amazing singer, and she took after her mother and Sirius seeing how James was completely tone-deaf in that department.

The music provided a welcome distraction for Adelaide as the feeling of loneliness without her pack became increasingly difficult to bear as the weeks passed. Draco was in France with his parents, Blaise and his mother Iris. Theo accompanied his father to Italy to visit relatives, and Neville was busy with a magical summer camp that Gran had sent him to in America. Luna was off searching for rare creatures with her father and was unable to communicate frequently. Enzo was helping his father with some business abroad, while the Weasleys, as she expected, were in Egypt. None of them would be returning until a week before they were due to leave for Hogwarts. Despite owling one another, it was clear that they all missed each other and couldn't wait until the time came to reunite.

Adelaide stayed in touch with a few people from Hogwarts, including three Slytherin girls, Cedric Diggory, Adrian Pucey, Padma Patil, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, and Angelina Johnson. While they may not be as close to her as her pack, Adelaide enjoyed receiving their letters and discussing everything of interest with them. However, Adelaide found it a little odd when Cedric's letters became more flirtatious, but she did not see any harm in responding in kind, as her personality was naturally flirtatious too. Adelaide made it clear to Cedric that she did not have any romantic feelings for him, and he found it amusing and agreed that their friendship was nothing more than playful flirting between friends.

Adelaide had decided to invite Pansy, Daphne and Tracy for a girl's night at her manor, and had organised a day out in muggle London where she could show all the best things that Muggles had to offer. Daphne and Tracy's parents were perfectly fine with it but it was Pansy's parents that Adelaide realised was the problem. Since Voldemort's demise, many pure-blood families have been more open to others but from what she could tell, Lord and Lady Parkinson were still just as prejudiced and horrible as they were in her past. In the end, Pansy managed to convince her parents but kept their plans out of the discussion.

"What time will they be arriving pup?" announced her papa as he strolled into the dining room, the table full of lunchtime foods.

"Fuck knows" She grunted as she slowly placed a strawberry in her mouth. She had been feeling the effects of her pack's absence more intensely than any previous days and had hoped that being around the three Slytherin girls would keep her distracted.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" Her Uncle Regulus chuckled, eyeing her from across the table with a raised eyebrow. Instead of responding, she shot him a glare that was unlike her usual playful ones.

"Cub..." Her Uncle Moony growled in warning, only for her to growl back with her lips turned up into a snarl. This caught all three men off guard, she never behaved in such a way towards them and was usually respectful, even when she was suffering from her time of the month.

"Enough!" Sirius snapped, his hands slamming on the table which snapped the two from their growling stand-off. "Adelaide Bella Potter-Black! What is going on with you?"

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