Small family reunion and putting her in her place.

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This may be a long chapter but I want to get this year moving a little faster. I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

After the ridiculous meeting with the old Coot, Adelaide knew she needed to calm down enough before returning to her friends but the fact that Dumbledore used her parent's death as a way to control her, set off an unbelievable amount of anger within her.

"Pup?" Sirius called out softly when he found his daughter leaning against the corridor wall, her hands clenched at her sides and her breathing more heavy than normal.

Her head snapped towards them and for a brief moment, a familiar glow to Remus' was seen in her eyes.

"I'm going to kill that bastard" She growled, and both men were surprised to hear a subtle animalistic sound rumble through her chest.

"Language, Cub" Remus scolded lightly as they approached her, taking cautious steps.

Adelaide always struggled with her anger, some had said it was worse for her because all three of her parents were famous for their temper and how explosive it could be at times. In her past, however, she didn't have a particular person or something to calm her down but now, the simple sound of her Papa's and Uncle's voice seem to soothe the dragon inside of her.

"Sorry Uncle Moony, Papa" She sighed, running her hands over her face. She felt a large but soft hand begin to stroke her hair whilst another ran circles on her back, and she immediately leant into their touch, feeling the comfort from it.

"You done good, sweetheart. Now, why don't you show us your room before you go to dinner?" Her bright green eyes snapped open and the two men instantly saw the excitement before they were dragged by their hands through the corridors.

When they arrived and the door swung open, all chatter within ceased and they were met by five pairs of concerned eyes. The five young boys jumped from their seats and made their way towards her, completely ignoring the two men behind her as they began to check Adelaide for any injuries. Sirius and Remus watched in amusement but also felt a warmth spread through their heart at the scene, it was clear as day to them that the five boys cared deeply for Adelaide and would protect her when necessary.

"Uncle Sirius?" A confused voice snapped him out of his thoughts and once he looked over, he raised an eyebrow at the blonde-haired boy who slowly began to approach him.

"You're Narcissa's boy, aren't you?" Sirius questioned, seeing the similar grey eyes that ran through the Black family genetics.

"Yes, sir" Draco responded nervously, fidgeting with his hands. He knew his Mother hadn't spoken to Sirius Black since their days at Hogwarts due to him apparently being disowned. However, the ring on the man's finger and what Draco had read in the Daily Prophet showed that the man in front of him was the new Lord Black and the head of one-half of his family.

"What's your name, son?" Sirius questioned, his eyes soft as he looked down at the young boy.

"D-Draco Malfoy, Lord Black" He introduced himself, holding out a shaky hand. He didn't know why he felt so nervous and intimidated by Sirius Black but from the small conversations he had with his mother about her side of the family, it was known that despite Sirius being disowned he was one of the fiercest, most powerful and skilled wizard to ever be born into the Black family.

Sirius smiled at his little cousin and shook his hand but frowned slightly at the tremble he felt from the boy. Without a second thought, he pulled the boy into his arms and rubbed his back for comfort as he felt Draco tense. It wasn't long until Draco melted into his embrace and clung to Sirius' leather jacket.

"It's okay, cousin" Draco peaked over his shoulder and saw Adelaide beside him, a soft smile on her face. "We are your family, we aren't leaving you"

Adelaide could see the vulnerability in her cousin's eyes, he had grown up with only his mother and father and hadn't had any other family he could turn to. She knew her uncle Lucius wasn't the easiest man to deal with from the small conversations she had with Draco. A thought came to mind and her head snapped up towards her Papa, who looked down at her with a curious frown.

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