Forgotten Rivalries and the sorting hat

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Walking back to her compartment with Neville and Ron was a short and comfortable silence, though she did notice the many looks she was receiving from those they passed. When she arrived, she sighed in relief as Granger was nowhere to be seen and hopefully, it would be the last time she would see the girl until the end of the trip.

"Where have you been?" Blaise questioned his new friend.

"Finding my brother's toad, of course. Everyone, this is my god brother, Heir Neville Longbottom and my new friend, Ron Weasley" The three were silent for a moment, looking between Adelaide and the shy boys who stood behind her.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Theodore Nott, heir to the noble and most ancient hours of Nott" Adelaide smiled at the brunette boy who stood from his seat and shook Neville and Ron's hand.

"Blaise Zabini, Heir to the noble house of Zabini" He introduced himself, shaking their hand before all eyes turned to Draco. Adelaide was well aware of the rivalry between the Malfoy and Weasley families and though she was sure there was a valid reason in the past, she did not think it was necessary to hold such a grudge for this long.

"I understand that the Weasley family has an old Rivalry with the Malfoys but I would love it if you could at least be civil with one another. I made it clear that I will not tolerate house rivalries and I sure as hell will not be in the middle of an old feud between my family and friend. So you either be civil with one another and agree to squash this ridiculous notion or my hand in friendship with you both will be provoked" The compartment was completely silent, all five males looking at Adelaide with eyes full of shock. For them, the thought of not having this kind and beautiful girl in their lives made them extremely uncomfortable and decided they would do anything to make sure she was not angry at them.

"I agree with my cousin, times have changed and a friendship or at the very least, an agreement of being civil will make our time at Hogwarts a lot easier" Draco spoke strongly, his hand held out to Ron who was looking between the gesture and Adelaide.

"Fair enough. It's nice to meet you all" Ron commented, shaking Draco's hand before the blonde shook Neville's also.

"Brilliant. Everyone, sit down" She ordered lightly and also instantly, everyone did just that.

At first, the conversations between everyone were awkward but it wasn't long until it started flowing and laughter could be heard from their compartment. By the end of the journey, you would think that the six of them had known each other their whole lives, and Adelaide knew that she had nothing to worry about.

By the time the arrived, the sky had turned dark and the night air was crisp. Adelaide shrunk all their belongings and despite being ordered to leave their things on the train, she felt more comfortable having them with her at all times and apparently, so did the boys.

"Right this way! First years, this way!" (I won't even attempt to write Hagrids accent😂)

The six of them walked towards the large man who towered over every student with a lit lantern raised in his right hand. Her heart clenched at the sight of her old friend but knew he was unbelievably loyal to Dumbledore and unfortunately, that meant the man couldn't be trusted.

"Right this way! Follow me please" He called out when he noticed the group of first year's that stood in front of him.

They followed the half Giant down a muddy and slippery path and much to her amusement, the five boys surrounded her as if to protect her from harm's way. Her arms were looped in Neville's and Draco's, both trying to keep their balance and help Adelaide in case she fell.

"Three to a boat! Be careful!" Hagrid ordered the nervous eleven-year-olds, who all began piling into separate boats.

"You're with us, sister" Neville softly pulled her towards an empty boat and stepped in before holding a hand out, helping her inside safely. She was followed by Draco as he conversed with Blaise, Theo and Ron, who all took an empty boat beside them.

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