Death omens and ghost warnings.

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The changes that occurred since Adelaide boosted the wards at Hogwarts were immediately noticed by the entire student body and the professors. The castle seemed brighter and more magical than anyone had ever seen it before. Even the professors were fascinated by the new additions to the school. In each of their offices, they found not only the original rule book, but the deputy headmistress also noticed a second book that showed all the points and detentions being given and taken. She found herself looking at it quite frequently as it was constantly updating throughout the school day.

The professors had noticed the change in the headmaster, and they felt extremely cautious and concerned by the crazed look in his eyes whenever he came across something new. The changes hadn't only been done to the school itself but a lot of those who resided in the castle. Professor Snape-Prince was a lot more patient during his potion lessons and although his words still cut deep for a lot of students, they were only ever focused on those who weren't paying attention or misbehaving. He had noticed rather quickly that his newfound personality had a positive impact when it came to the students in his lessons, fewer were making mistakes and test scores were increasing by at least double.

The students who had been affected by spells and potions began to notice changes in their perceptions of others. Initially unsettling, they found that negative feelings toward certain individuals, particularly Slytherins, had dissipated, allowing them to see more of their positive traits. Some unexpected friendships were formed, but not everything was going well for others. Certain students that were given trust and even mild love potions, had their relationships ended once the potions were removed which caused a lot of animosity within the castle walls.

Overall, things were going well... until the second full day of school. Adelaide and her pack were sitting at the Slytherin table for breakfast when none other than the bloody Baron floated towards her, his usually emotionless face now filled with concern and nerves.

"My lady-" He bowed in greeting, gaining their attention. "We've been told some disturbing news and wish to discuss it with you" With a deep frown on her face, Adelaide nodded and stood to leave, telling her pack to continue eating and that she'd meet a few of them for the first lesson.

Following the ghost out of the hall, it didn't go unnoticed by her or the pack the looks she was reviving from both Granger and Dumbledore. The bloody baren led her to the closest classroom and Adelaide immediately placed a privacy spell around the room, figuring that whatever was going to be said would be a secret.

"My lady, the portraits have come to us with some troubling news" Adelaide nodded and gestured for the ghost to continue. "Granger and Dumbledore have plans... your dear friend, Ronald was promised to Granger by Dumbledore, promised to wed. However, it seems their plans aren't going as well as they hoped and Dumbledore suggests that Granger make Ronald jealous by using another Lion-"

Adelaide let out a groan, hopping to sit on top of a desk as she ran her hands down her face. "He's getting desperate. Thank you, Mr Baren. I'll warn my lions"

"My lady... Dumbledore pointed out that she should perhaps use another Weasley..." Adelaide's body tensed with the urge to protect her pack. She somehow knew that it would be one of the twins that Granger would go after, Percy was too old to even acknowledge Granger in such a way but the twins on the other hand, were only two years older and their ages were more acceptable.

"I'll keep an eye out. Thank you again, Mr Baren" The ghost was relieved that the powerful witch was able to control her anger, despite him being able to see it in her eyes.

"Of course, my lady" The Baren bowed before floating out of the room, leaving Adelaide to ponder on how to go about the situation. She knew the twins wouldn't fall for Granger's manipulations but that didn't mean she wanted them to have to put up with the bushy-haired witch's presence for longer than they needed to. Granger was stubborn, that much was obvious and Adelaide was aware that she wouldn't leave them alone until she got what she wanted.

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